Monday, July 14, 2008


Since my parents are coming back on Monday, I decided to clean the house and one of my activity is to actually go to TTDI park and feed the fish with my bread. I got some bread which is around 4 slices left which is in the fridge and its like frozen till so hard.

Now I know why my friend tells me it is fun to watch the fish. People tell me fish can help you to distress too which I am really not sure if it is true, but if it does do tell me if it is true and how does it work (as in you stare at the fish? You watch the fish swim? and etc). While I was feeding the fish it was quite relaxing and quite fun to see them eating. And when I feed them so many fishes with different color, sizes and species started to surface. Some of the fishes that I saw is cat fish, some like koi, many little fishes, turtles and many more. Its like they are fighting to eat the bread that I brought to them.

The weird thing is, there is already so much bread thrown into the pond but the fishes don't see the rest and they only target my bread as I threw it quite far to get the bigger fishes attention. Its fun to see them eating. Its like distressing a person even though its just feeding the fish. Anyway I hope all the fishes will get their daily supply of food by people who will feed them.


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