Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wonder Why

I haven't seen people who actually hold so tight to money and even if there is an sum to pay the person would not want to pay it or decide that he wont eat the stuff or etc. Why am I saying this? There is a trainee in SL currently and everyday he has rm5 to spend on food and he tries not to overshoot that amount. Not only that, anything that is not his he wont pay (example at times ppl take turns to pay for drinks, he wont). He just keep it to himself.

As I saw my friend yesterday and my friend told me that he is only a trainee and I told my friend even when I was a trainee, and I even got half of what he got (RM300) I still manage to pay for dinner with my friends. I mean it is not about who pay but it is the heart or generosity. The other day I decided to play a trick on him as he wanted to buy snack. So I told him there's a shop that sells curry puff and when he saw the price, he straight away say "next time"

I don't know why he holds money so tight. Like Pr always say, the tighter you hold it will become our IDOL and you will be slaved by it. I don't think that person is having any family issues either. I know times are now hard but we should not let money lead our life or even make us / others feel one kind towards you


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be too hasty in judging people. He might have a need you don't know about. What if his family is really in financial straints or he has some financial burdens. Prudence in spending is not a bad thing.

Furthermore, if you pay for drinks for your friends and expects repayment next time, whats the point of being "generous" here? You might as well pay for what you drink every time.

8:55 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

Yeah i pay for what i drink every time. Actually it also difficult for us to go and eat if we want to spend a little more on a single day.

Nope im not judging him. If i am judging him them let it be my issue with God. Anyway you don't really see the situation so I think you might not really have the clear picture either

9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...I sense a war here...Well, there's actually no big issue round here. People want to save...let him be and if one is not happy on the other's behavior, that's their relationship...that's the way it function in this world... there's no single person that everyone likes and there's no one in this Earth that loves everyone...except Jesus...

So why fighting for this??

9:55 PM  
Blogger Huis said...

Erm.hope no offend taking place here ya. To anon, well it is hard to understand the real story when we're not in their shoes. I personally feel Jason is thinking on behalf of the trainee. I believe it is normal Jason react this way as we will too wonder if we meet ppl like the trainee,sure question will pop up in our brain too..Nonetheless, I do agree the trainee has his own reason of acting so.

10:11 PM  

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