Sunday, March 02, 2008


Found some kickapoo when I came back the other day and 2 bottles were in my computer room. I actually wondered whose kickapoo is that and wondered if it came as a CNY hamper or something. Was trying to find the wrapping paper or even the basket but I didn't find any. So I guess in the end it was my parents who bought it. Last time drinks like coke and etc will be open quite fast especially when I find it. But it seems this time I don't really have the urge to have this type of drinks anymore.

Kickapoo was finally opened today by my sister. So since my sister open it, I decided to drink it too :P It was refreshing drink with ice on a hot day like today. I still remember back then when I was studying my diploma, my house mates who is CK, Henry, Hsien Tat, Loo Sien Tat have the liking towards kickapoo. Quite often they will drink that when we go and have our dinner outside.


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