Sunday, June 10, 2007

People Come People Go

I guess this statement is really true. When I look back at my life, after out of uni, the friends that I have in uni I no longer keep in contact with. Those who suddenly remember you will only remember you when they need your help. There are some people from uni that I still keep in touch thru using IM's.

Actually I am quite lucky that I still have some of the UTAR gang in my office place as I brought 3 people in from different courses. At least I am not lonely or the only person there. With the people that I brought in, we help each other in our daily work everyday.

I know that people that I was once close with is like getting further away too. Is it really my fault? Yeah it is my fault. I believe the reason is because I don't really want to initiate at times as I hope the other person will do the the start. The reason why I don't want to start anything is because most of the time I am the person starting the conversation while others just listen. I know I talk a lot but I wish others will do the same thing too.

So in the end it is really true that people will come into your life then they will leave. But fret not as there are a lot of replacement outside that will replace some of your friends. But I guess at times you wish that didn't happen but it will have to happen some day. It get worst when you are married. You will sacrifice even more after your marriage.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone is getting sentimental now... what happened there? Someone's leaving you? If they do, well, we still have to go on rite?

About contacting your previous uni mates, join the re-union and u'll get to meet lots of ur friends and lectureres and all those pretty gals tat u've once falls on...tat's very true!! But, I think u'll be glad that all those are juz in ur memories, and not in reality coz u'll see things differently now compared to those years where u're bit not saying ur old now dont get offended!!

C'on brother, u're not the most talkertive one in this world, there's lots more out there...mayb u'll find one, one day, to spend ur life with, listening to all her stories and i think at tat time, u'll wish to have a wife who talks less..haha...


10:41 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

nolar jz writing this is coz it is true lor.coz i have been thinkin about this all teh time.i tink in my ex blog i wrote b4 this topic..

and as for falling for pretty gals,well that didnt happen in uni ler.i didnt fall for any 1...

i knw i old..u jz tryin to say but u say dont get offended rite :P

yeah u can match me man..u talk so much and even more words in a second than me :P

9:25 PM  

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