Saturday, May 26, 2007

Please Don't Try THis Again

I was working the other day and my direct boss decided to try this thing which actually gave us a fright out of lives. She told my friend to restart the firewall and suddenly all the departments were calling us saying they were disconnected from the main system. My friend and I sprang into action to do all we can and work with the SOO, but in less than 2 minutes the system was up again. My friend and I was actually really confuse on what happen but I manage to trace back to the root cause of the system failure.

Well all I can say is if your not sure of anything (can be any case, ur work, ur studies, and etc), please don't even do it. Reason is simple, if you do anything unsure, you might land yourself into lots of trouble that you will never imagine. I still remember Pastor Chris said this in the BMEW class and he said "dont even try it" or "dont even think about it". Both of this phrase have their own truth in it.


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