Status Change
From today onwards my status has change to be uncle. Yeah my sister has already delivered her baby on Monday. At 230am, there was a phone call that came to my house. Usually if the call come during those hours, it is either someone has just pass away, someone is sick or could be my sister is going to give birth. As I didn't pick up the call, I asked my parents who called at that hour as I could not sleep nearly the whole time after that.
Yeah so on that day my sister delivered her baby at around 3pm +. I went to see my sister at 1030pm on that day as I had to work late as there has was a need to move the server racks for the new server to come in on Thursday.
The kid is cute, sleeps a lot (like me), hardly make noise (thank God) and drinks alot of water and milk (like me again). Even at this time, she even has double eye lid already. I really don't know how that happen. But the thing is it is really important to pray for the baby even she/he is in the womb so that God will kind of place it for us (might not be all). Things that are not good which is color blind, anger and etc etc must be prayed against for the kid as it can be inherited. But if we pray we will make the diff for the baby. Really and trust me.
Yeah so on that day my sister delivered her baby at around 3pm +. I went to see my sister at 1030pm on that day as I had to work late as there has was a need to move the server racks for the new server to come in on Thursday.
The kid is cute, sleeps a lot (like me), hardly make noise (thank God) and drinks alot of water and milk (like me again). Even at this time, she even has double eye lid already. I really don't know how that happen. But the thing is it is really important to pray for the baby even she/he is in the womb so that God will kind of place it for us (might not be all). Things that are not good which is color blind, anger and etc etc must be prayed against for the kid as it can be inherited. But if we pray we will make the diff for the baby. Really and trust me.
Congratulation UNCLE...u're on step later than me...I've been aunty for one year lar...
Yeap...I agree with you...prayer and faith is VERY important for a child to grow...REAL IMPORTANT!!
thanks aunty, i abit slow nvm mar :P
yeah prayer and faith is very IMPORTANT...i guess if none we are all gonners or we will be bad boyz and gals adi..and turning the world upside down :P and out parents will get lots of white hair
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