Sunday, May 13, 2007

When You Fail To Plan You Plan To Fail

Last time I really had no idea what the phrase really means. I know every 1 has been talking about it and always say you need to plan your year, this and that in advance. Now I really know what this phrase really means as I really saw it on Friday.

On Friday, the new server came to our company and I had to assist the vendor in setting up the server and assisting them in every single thing that I could. Actually it was not me who failed to plan but it was actually my direct boss who failed to plan everything nicely. The thing was she kept every thing to herself (all the information) and she didn't even brief me or even the network team on what will be happening on that day.

1st thing was, there were 2 servers that will be coming on that day and she only told me 1. When it was time to setup, the vendor told me that it was 2 servers that will be set up on that day and I was total blur. Next problem was the server rack. IBM products usually will only sit well in IBM server racks. As there was no proper planning from my direct boss, we had to modify the installation of the servers to other racks. I tell you it was really tough to modify the server rack to fit the server and the switches. Not only that, my direct boss then told me if there is a need for expansion this server rack wont work. To me it was simple, just get a new IBM rack and it will settle all the problem. During that time she was actually blaming me for not planning properly when they were installing the servers. She was actually very angry as the servers cannot fit nicely into the server rack that we have.

3rd problem was the IP address that was needed by the servers was actually 3 and not 2. But the IP address she didn't tell us till the day when they were installing the hardware. But it was quite easy for us to get the IP address from the system.4th problem was the Network cable. We only pulled 2 cables (following a diagram by my boss) and they needed 3 cables. 4th problem was the way the servers will be running was not plan out properly. End of the day at 7pm, all the new servers sat nicely in the rack that we had and it was really a well done job by the network team as I was busy in assisting another vendor on another server. Well done to Allen and Lee and those who really made the thing sit in the rack.

Now I really understand the phrase and now I see the importance of communication to other team members rather than leaving them in the dark and during the moment getting busy by doing other things like setting up and etc. If there was a proper meeting between my direct boss and the whole team who is involved in the project, I bet there wont be any problems AT ALL. But I guess some people don't really want to talk and once my direct boss told me, if you need information, you need to DIG the information from the person. I mean if you have been assign the task, you should at least give some light to your staff on what will be happening rather on that day getting busy with other task which can be completed earlier.


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