Tuesday, August 31, 2010




Monday, August 30, 2010

My Car Broken In Bukit Kiara

On Sunday, When I went for my exercise, my car was broken into. They actually took my hp and transfer some credit out from my prepaid and some money. Wonder where did this happen? In Bukit Kiara. I actually park at the lower end of the park so I guess it is nearer to the kampung.

Anyway what they did is they open the front passenger door, open my glove box, took my hp and my wallet and once emptying the wallet, they threw my wallet to the back seat. When I finish my exercise, I saw my wallet at the back seat, I found it really weird. But I didn't suspect anything. Anyway I still headed to pasar malam and when I wanted to buy my food, I found it strange that I don't have money in my wallet even though I just withdraw some money about a week ago. Later when I got back to my car, I reach out to my glove box for my specs. And that is when I notice my handphone is gone.

I then came out of my car to check if any signs of break in and there was none. Not only that, after the break in, those fella even lock back my car. After that I went to make a police report. The police officer told me that "someone" will call me but that "someone" didn't even give me a call.

Anyway my final words are to those who go Bukit Kiara to run, please watch your stuff and if can don't park so low, park up there or in front of the guard house of KLGC. Don't end up like

Sunday, August 29, 2010


The other day in cg, or shall I say long time ago, we had this :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Play For Someone Wedding

The other day my choir mate asked me to play guitar for one of his cg members wedding. I don't even know them and he ask me to play. Not only that, I have to admit, I cannot play that well. I am not like those super guitarist like any of my friends. Not only that, 1 of the guitarist that is playing is more powerful that me like 100 times. No kidding. That person is playing for church celebration.

Anyway final answer I told them is I don't want. Didn't really tell him I don't want but due to work (really) I cannot afford to take up the offer. At times I wish my work is easier but hey, I won't kid myself, it wont be any easier but it will always become harder.

Friday, August 27, 2010


I bought my own GPS after quite some time. Got the Nuvi 765. Thanks to my cousin, I got it a lot cheaper. Haven't really played much on the GPS but I know it is quite good as it will help me to get to a place I haven't been before without much problems.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

True Worshippers Rock

The other day I listen to True Worshippers album. I listen to all 3 (didn't listen to full album) and the albums are as below :

  1. Glory To Glory
  2. Take Us Higher
  3. Captivated

I have to say that they really have great vocals and I wish I can have that too. Maybe I got nice vocals but my mum thinks like wise even now :P Anyway they are coming to DUMC really soon. Next month for worship conference.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Inspiration Does Matter

The other day when we were on our full dress rehearsal, some of my choir friends who play music instruments but later stop due / lost interest in it suddenly got back their inspiration to practice back their musical instruments. Most of those who were playing are really top class in what they do. I guess it is important to have inspiration once a while. Even my friend who was there told me after listening to them play, my friend wants to continue to practice to become better too. So to all who are finding your inspiration, you got to know what you are looking for..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Time To Work Hard Again

It is time to work hard again. After having so much fun on Wed, Thrs and Friday now I need to retune back myself to fix all the issues that the auditor cause me. But hey no fret man, there is always room to improve on the stuff that we do right?

But really, when I look back on those 3 days, I really smile and like I have mention before, last week event meant a lot to me and I will cherish it till the end of my life. I have never ever gotten into such a big event before with such great friends who can gel just like a family and the best part is that we are all the same.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Christmas Event

I was invited to sing on 19-20th August and I have to say I am really grateful. Till today the songs still ring inside my head when I sleep too. I guess this is like a major thing to my career (if you talk about work). I have never been given a chance which is big in my life before. Now I want to remember all my friends who were in the event. You guys rock. I only know you guys like a few days but the way we blend in, its just like a family.

  1. Jason
  2. Wei Li
  3. Wei I
  4. Jared
  5. Gabe
  6. Christian
  7. Elaine
  8. Victoria
  9. Mark
  10. Gek Sim
  11. Li May
  12. Benjamin
  13. Andy
You guys rock. Really. I know I didn't really talk to all of you as I guess we have so many others to talk too but we are all still family :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Was in Melaka long time ago. So now only post pictures. My Bad. Lazy Boy ler. Anyway how we were there was in this sequence below.

  1. Go to Seremban, eat beef noodles
  2. Go and buy the Siew Pao
  3. Go to Melaka
  4. Eat 1st round (cant remember name of shop)
  5. Go eat cendol and asam noodles
  6. Walk in Jonker Street
  7. Had dinner
  8. Had Ikan bakar

Different Type Of Fishes

At Fish Counter

Ikan Bakar




Saturday, August 21, 2010

Aubret Suwito Christmas Concert

I have so much to share. But 1st of all this concert really means so so so so much to me. 1st to thank is to God. 2nd to thank is to Angie and 3rd to thank is to all my friends who 1st time I met or I already know you. You guys rock. I guess this posting will be a really long 1.

On Sunday before a couple of days before the event, we practice our songs and I have to tell you with the sweet vocals of everyone, it sounded so round and sweet. We only practice like 2 hours+? But with confidence and I believe everyone got some sort of vocal training we manage to blend, modify our voices to be able to do our parts. We had melody, alto and tenor.

On Wednesday was our full dress rehearsal and we are quite lucky to see how our church transform to something that we never seen before. It was really nice. Even they had to bring in extra generator sets to provide power as there was not enough power for everything (lighting and etc). That day we manage to hear how it will go and man it sounded so good. We were lucky to be able to listen to the 1st set of vocals before the day (Thursday). Not only that the musicians on the stage who were as below

Aubrey Suwito (Piano & Music Director)
Jaclyn Victor (Vocals)
Juwita Suwito (Vocals)
Russell Curtis (Vocals)
Nan Alias (Guitar)
Mohd Rafi (Guitar)
Andy Peterson (Bass)
Steve Thornton (Percussion)
John Thomas (Drums)
Eddie Wen (Trumpet)
Kevin Choo (Saxophone)
Chow Ming (Trombone)

From that moment I knew it was going to be really good. And I even kept on pushing that event on social website so that people will be informed and that people will come. With this type of quality of people, if you watch it outside, it will really cost you a bomb to pay but it was free :)

On Thursday, I thank God that I manage to run from office at 530pm. I had a lot of problems the day before due to audit. On Thursday I was really ON as I was only thinking about the event at night. I could not really work but still manage to get thru and during 445pm onwards I was chatting with Lianne and time was really slow. When I was there, we finish practice and it was time to eat and I tell you, food on Thursday was SO GOOD! We had soya bean, chicken, salad, fried rice, either mutton or lamb and many more. When it was time to put make up, the whole group behind with BV (Backup Vocals), talk, did vocals and really enjoyed our self before the event. Thursday was pack with people too and everyone was turn "ON" even though it was not yet Christmas yet. And really sorry to a friend of mine who I took your robe like twice wrongly that nite. Really sorry. Didn't mean too...

On Friday, even though I was tired, I was still very on for the night. On my mind was not so much of work and all I wanted is time to fly fast that I can go to church and prepare myself. When I was there, next thing I know time for dinner laio. haha. So the whole group of us went to eat and talk and take pictures with one another in Dream Cafe. After dinner we head back to chill inside the auditorium before we had to go backstage to do our makeup and all. Back on stage we had fun time talking, taking pictures with so many people and at the same time doing our makeup. After we are done we headed upstairs to a section we sat on Thursday to enjoy the show before the event. We knew that the whole place will be pack with people as it is a Friday night and some will come again with their friends. When the doors open, everyone rush in to get the best seats. After that upstairs open and the whole auditorium was filled up so fast! My team then decided to go downstairs and sit behind back stage to allow the other people to get a seat in the auditorium. From what I know, people even sat on the stairs and some even stand the whole show. The crowd that night was really crazy too. Man really enjoyed myself that night. After coming home, when I went to sleep, I could not really sleep as my mind was still on that event.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Endpoint Security

I once commented on Endpoint Security (what my ex company does). There are others who answered the question and it is all here.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Won A Book

I love to answer questions in this forum. This forum really help me a lot and also allow me to help other people with my knowledge. But at times I get to learn more as people correct me with other ways too.

Back to the topic, there was once when I answered the forum and if the answer is correct, I will win a book and a couple of days later, Melanie drop me an email to tell me that the other user didn't reply her email and that I am the next to win the prize. I was really shocked. Anyway I told her that I am in ASIA and if she wont mind to send the book to me and I got the book on the 17th! It is about VMWARE. Not only that, she drop me a note too. Shipping over was not cheap, it was USD60 and that book is also USD60.

At least they really ship to me. Unlike another local mag, after I taruh them, they don't want to send me my speakers or even drop me an email. haha.

Thanks Mel and ITKnowledge :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Christmas Audition

Since I love singing, I decided to go for Christmas Audition. This year will be quite a big event as 2 churches will be combining for this event. I went for audition and since I panic, I simply tembak the song only. The judges there were made quite a lot of my friends too. The final story, I didn't get it. Anyway it is not for choir, it is meant for individual solo. Maybe not getting it is also good, as God has other plans for me during Christmas :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Websms No More

So sad, Maxis ended their websms service. I love this service as it is always useful when sending sms as I type really slow or even to sms when I am not in Malaysia. But no more already, sad already :P

Monday, August 16, 2010

KK Trip

My KK trip was really good as I really rested and went around a lot. Some places that I went was a little aimless but it was good. Will give on brief what I did there.

  1. Landed @ 130pm
  2. Lunch @ Tanjung Aru
  3. Went back to hotel
  4. Change room as the room before was a smoking room
  5. Rested
  6. Rain (Evening Weather)
  7. Ate seafood extremely late
  8. Miss the bus so take taxi which cost us rm10

  1. Went to Luyang (Aimless)
  2. Rest
  3. Ate dinner in town

  1. Went to Penampang Tamu (Waste of time)
  2. Back to Hotel
  3. Dinner @ 6pm

  1. Met up with dad friends
  2. Went to Glory Place (Sutera Harbour)
  3. Lunch
  4. Rest
  5. Went forGDOP in KK
  6. Supper

  1. Go home KL

Hotel Main Road


Flowers @ Lobby

Evening Weather

Lorry That Upload Goods

Swimming Pool




Sunset In Town

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Aubrey Suwito's "Christmas With Friends"

I am invited to do vocals for this event. Really. Check out this link. I know it is not time for Christmas yet, but this event is really true. So do come, bring your friends along and you will know that it will be really great.

Date : 19-20 August 2010
Day : Thursday & Friday
Time : 845PM
Location : DUMC

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Redefining Endpoint Security

If you are into Security, I believe you should read this. It is really good. Read it here

Friday, August 13, 2010

So Cheapo

The other day when I was attending a dinner, someone spoke to me :

Uncle : What are you working as?
JT : Doing IT uncle.
Uncle : That is great. Which part of IT do you do? Programmer?
JT : No uncle, I do IT Security.
Uncle : Wow that is great. Which part of security do you do? FW?
JT : I do majorly in PnP, things like FW and etc, I leave it to my friend
Uncle : Does the company send you for any training ?
JT : Not at all. $ is a problem.
Uncle : Then how do you learn?
JT : Learn a lot on myself

Yeah bottom line is the place I work in is a cheapo place. I been for 1 training, but that was not a real training but to sales training.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Connection of 2 Laptop without Router

It can be done without a wifi router. You can use both your laptop to connect. The process is called Adhoc. This is something new I pickup today

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


On 31st July 2k10, medical students visited my church and there were so many of them. Man they are so young looking. But one thing for sure, at least I manage to great them by shaking their hands :)

But I respect them. At their age they are doing so much for God and they do it every year without fail by going to different places. If I am trying to remember what I did during that time, I can't even remember.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Other Things

The other day when I had to pick my mum's friend for dinner. I know them as they were from my parents cg before. Below is the conversation :

Aunty : So how is work JT?
JT : Still busy aunty, going to do a certification really soon. Do OT quite often ler.
Aunty : Then got time for other things?
JT : No ler
Aunty : But you need time to find "other things"
JT : Not really into it yet.

A lot of people asking me where is my other thing. I mean if general, other things can be a lot of things and not only 1 thing. I bet most of you understand what 1 thing is, if you don't too bad for you :P

Monday, August 09, 2010

Too Loud

Now I feel at times music in church is too loud. I guess they really need to tone it down. Even during our production people told that music is too loud and at times cannot hear vocals. To me when it is about worship, you don't need the loudest music. Music at a moderate level is more than enough. I guess at times when feedback is given, people tend not to take it. I wonder why?

Sunday, August 08, 2010

I Might

I feel that I want to be in for this year Christmas project. My friend told me it is a collaborating with SIBKL and we will be doing 6 shows. It will be just so fun. The only thing I can do is vocals. So I guess I opt to be in choir better. Wonder if the Magnificent 7 will join as 1 of my friends will be in USA. I will try to drag other friends to join it too :P So if I pm you, please don't run away :P

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Dumb Part 2

The other day my mum friend needed some tech support for her laptop as her skype got problem. So when I was there she told me TM NUT actually configured her Modem+Router to manual dialup when she needs to access the Internet. But guess what? The modem that she was given was the same as my office and even in my office we use auto dial up. So after that I configured her modem router to automatically to configure to the Internet. She even mention that that guy say it cannot be done. Man if I am there, surely I tembak kau the tech engineer. Its like you don't even know your own work. But to me it is nothing new. Even in SL the programmers don't even know their own work. Sad but true.

I am here not to say I am the best, but at least I know my basic.

Friday, August 06, 2010

So Dumb

There is this guy who is under Help Desk who is darn irritating. He always calls the wrong person extension all the time. To me it is pure ignorance and it is pure dumb. Example there is 2 person extension and the extension no 1 is mine and 2 is other person. So when he wants to speak to me he call extension 2 and when he wants to speak to my friend he calls my extension. He actually knows which extension goes where yet he still does the same mistake...

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Reply & Don't Reply

The other day my friend and I were talking about replying SMS. Check out the conversation :

Friend : If they don't reply means they think we are not important to them
Jason : Yeah quite true. At times the reply don't need 2 be essay but jz a Yes or No will do.
Friend : Yeah that is right.

I agree that its just like an acknowledgment when you reply people. When you don't its like what ever with them or to them and that they are not important. It also depends a lot on that person. Some people just don't reply at times. Sometimes people don't have credit (prepaid), but I guess most people are using line as it is cheaper than prepaid. (a little off topic)

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Weird But True

You know even after the production, the 1st and last song keeps on ringing on my head. Why? I don't know but it is catchy and nice. But now the lyrics are all jumble upside down :P But the tone is still there. It seems when I sleep at night, the tone will always come into my head. I guess it really meant something to me (the production) :)

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Petrol Is Up

Petrol went up a couple of days before I went to KK by 5 cents. How much extra must you pay now? Every 2o L that you pump, you will need to pay extra rm1. Was I 1 of those who rush and pump? Nah I didn't bother even though I knew it early. My car still had fuel at that time. But those bigger cars that use Ron 97 pump it as the fuel will be floating.

Anyway when petrol goes up, everything goes up. But lets say when petrol goes down, everything still stays up. Like the other day when I went to mamak for dinner after work, 1 plate of mee goreng which was quite empty cost rm3.50. I mean if I want to count every worth cent, the chap fun in SS2 is more worth it. With 3.50 you can eat quite well and quite full.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Great Holiday

You know it is really good to go for a holiday and when you go for a holiday you will come back refresh and you are like ready to work kau kau again I was in KK this time. Will tell you more about what I did there on the next posting. I will try to upload some pics for you all to check it out too.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Careful With What You Read

I remember that in the month of April and May I wrote to chip about their not so accurate article. I guess it is really true that you should not really believe what you read totally. I mean some things we can read and we can believe totally.

If your article is not accurate, then you will mislead people. One example is that was given by chip is that firewall will check your packets. Guess what? Firewall don't check your packets. It either allows or deny the traffic. For the month of July someone wrote he adored chip magazine. I guess there is nothing to adore if they always mislead you.

Oh yeah, I haven't or shall I say I wont receive my speakers for shooting them in April :P