Monday, August 09, 2010

Too Loud

Now I feel at times music in church is too loud. I guess they really need to tone it down. Even during our production people told that music is too loud and at times cannot hear vocals. To me when it is about worship, you don't need the loudest music. Music at a moderate level is more than enough. I guess at times when feedback is given, people tend not to take it. I wonder why?


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Jason, I don't know you, but I just wanted to say that I'm amazed that you've blogged every single day since 2006. I came across your blog on accident since I went to click the "Facebook" tab, but instead hit "Next Blog." But I just wanted to comment to let you know that I read some of your blog, which means other people have probably read some of your blog. And I know that it's always nice to see that people are reading your blog and hearing what you have to say. Anyways, I agree that worship doesn't have to be blasted into one's ears in order to get the point across. I believe that worship can be anything that praises God, including just whispering a prayer.

1:00 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

Hi Leanne,

I too don't know you. Some stories that i write is just for fun and sometimes it just informational (like IT). btw i still dont get it on ""Facebook" tab, but instead hit "Next Blog." bad sorry..

Actually really my blog i just write only. When ideas come I just write. Most of the writing is already been scheduled.

Anyway as if there are any 1 who reads my blog or not, I am not that sure either. really. sometimes people might drop by accidentally too.

To me worship can be so simple by just having a piano and guitar alone and it will be good coz its us praising God.

1:30 PM  

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