Friday, April 30, 2010

High Tech Stuff

Now, we have so many high end stuff that early everyone wants to get their hands on it too. The question to ask is if we truly need it? Its like I have a Iphone and my friend will too get an Iphone. Next I have a super camera and my friend too will get 1 super camera.

Do we need all this high tech stuff to keep us up on par with others? What say you?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nottie Boy Again

The other day when reaching back office after cyberjaya trip :

JT : Come Mr Ng, you take 1 side I take 1 side then we will have 2 lines on both side and write a msg on it too.

Mr Ng : You So nottie la......

Yeah I am that nottie boy. But with my nottieness, I bring many people joy (not being perasaan here). Those of you who know me will agree :P

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rich Or Not Rich?

The other day when I was chatting with my friend :

Friend : I hope I was born in / from a rich family
Jason : Everyone hopes that they are born in rich family too.
Friend : Yeah.
Jason : But the thing is being rich, you won't know how hard is it to earn money.
Friend : Yeah, you take things for granted.
Jason : Correct.

So is it better to be rich, doing ok or not rich? Well it depends on and individual.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

To Depend On God

You know at times when we work and when we are that good we always use our work experience to actually do stuff. When we are in trouble we still use our experience or try to work out some formula to make sure that everything will be good. But this is not always the case. When we are upfront with some type of major task / task we never do before, we should always give God a call (pray) for God to really help us out / give wisdom / etc. Do you guys at time feel "cannot already" then suddenly an answer pop out to your head from no where and that was the final answer to solve your problem? We as human we are not all knowing, so really everyday ask God to help us out in our daily task.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Why Do When No $?

I heard stories 2 different stories that I shall share now.

Story 1

There is this person who wants to get married but no money, so he has to borrow / get personal loan to finance his wedding. From stories that I heard, even those who borrowed $ to finance their wedding still paying back even after 7 years they got married.

Story 2

There is this person who delivered her baby and wanted the so called best room in the hospital and also asked her hubby to buy a new car when they don't have $.

To me if you don't have money do things at a smaller scale or when you have / in a better position to be able to do things at a larger scale. I guess if you want to get married and you get PF (Personal Finance) better don't get married. Suffering...Really...

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Imagine this with me.

Lets say someone killed a person in front of 100 people. Then check the conversation below :

A : Did you kill him?
B : No I didn't. I thought you kill him.

It goes the same in my office. When programmers do something, they do the mistake, super heroes have to fly in and rescue them. But after everything is fixed, they will turn their backs against us and we are the 1 that always kena.

Read this Lionel and Au Yueh Ling. You have cross the line. Go on with your scandal life in office. Guess what? Super Hero is here to stop you guys and make sure that your team will go down with you....

Saturday, April 24, 2010

SE Tennis Game

Man SE tennis game is addictive. The other day when I wanted my battery to run out, I give it a try on that game and every night and while in office I will play that game to make my character the strongest to beat the best which is Lindsay Devenport. I manage to win faster when I was having dinner @ a Japanese Restaurant where I whack some of the people 40-0 at both games. Not sure how I could do that but could be due to the green tea that I drank that gave me the umphhhh...hahaha

Friday, April 23, 2010

Think A Little

I really don't understand how some people work but they never think before they do. At our side we have 3 projects and each project has / have its own type of way of doing and it is not the same if compared side by side. When it is not the same, it is hard to track what is the difference and by asking our "got body" but "no brain" (statement by Lionel) to tell us the difference, they can't do it as well.

The other day they even ask me this "why when query no data"? How on earth should I know? At times they even ask me to do their work. Man this is too much la. If I help you do your work, who is going to do mine la?

Not only that, quite often they patch data. Its like playing people's information. I guess it don't only happen to my side, I guess it happens every where. So if you have a CC, beware, you don't know what is happening behind the scenes...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Being Polite

I guess this dude is correct. Read here. I guess we use wrong words at the wrong time. But I guess all of us can improve yeah. Off topic a little, I guess at times when being given something we too don't utter "thank you" or thanks. I guess that we can learn too..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Show

The other day I was watching 411 (cannot remember name of show) and I find it interesting. So I decide to watch till it ended. But at the end of the show, suddenly they killed this guy and the show ended. When the show ended I was like


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Worth Reading

Hi People,

This article is worth reading. Read it here. It is more for working people.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dumb Dude

Reason why I say so is because there is a dude in my office who is working so many years but still cannot work nicely. Don't really know what he knows. But one thing for sure, he only know how to ask people to belanja him makan. What he did was he power down the system without turning it back and also power down the connection system. Then he didn't know how to fix it back. I too had to support office because of him. If it is because of others we will suffer, who will suffer when we hit problem?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I Won? NOT!

The other day while working. I got this super chun sms. Makes me feel so happy which is only for a few seconds :P

"Tahniah, sim card anda telah berjaya memenangi rm15ribu dr power root sdn bhd. "

Man it is 15K. With 15K I can do a lot of things with that money. Will be good for my bank account too. There were a couple of numbers they ask me to call but I didn't bother. Last time there was once during Shell competition, they told me I won 10K too. Boy if I really got both is 25K and boy am I quite rich.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

There Will Be More To Come

People listen, the earthquake's that you see happening is just the beginning. There will be more to come. Wonder how I know? God told me during January 21 day's prayer and fast. But where and when it will hit is not disclose. All we can do is just pray....

Friday, April 16, 2010

How To Fix Windows 7

I manage to find this article and find it useful. Read it here

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Good Article

Yo Yo,

For those who are working, this applies to you. Please read here. It is about Salary

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Write A CV

Yo People,

Read here to find stuff about your CV.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So Fast Give Up

I have a dude, this dude started working for 1 week a in new company. And after about 5days working (not counting Saturday and Sunday), he says it is tough and if he can't take it, he want to ship out. Man this guy don't know what he is talking about. He got a job and still want to main main.

I mean if he is scared, guess what? all of us are scared when we started our 1st job. Example like me, I do It Security, I was never born to do the job but it depends a lot on a person how he / she will head on the situation of learning. If things are hard and you feel you cannot do it and you just quit, doesn't it show that you are kind of a looser? Or another example, if you cannot do this math which is 10-2x3 + 9 = ? will you just quit or will you continue to practice more maths till it becomes so good?

So I guess bottom line, don't give up on the stuff that you do especially it touches your future. Unless you tell me your dad is freaking rich or you are going to get married to a rich guy / girl then ok la. But if you are not, better think twice man.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Ice Cream Again

Hi Guys,

After lunch the other day, I went for icecream in 100 yen AGAIN. I had chocolate which is much thicker than those box chocolate ice cream. Mr Ng says kiwi is not so happening. There are couple of new menu on them. So do check it out.

Its Chocolate and Kiwi

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Something Wrong With My Line

Not really sure it is only me or other will have the same problem too. My HP line on Friday and Saturday had some problem. Its like suddenly the line will disapear and it will show "looking for network" or they will show the phone which has a line cancel it showing that it is not working. I have to restart so many times that even after restart also cannot work. When I try to make a phone call on Sat, I cannot even get connected. Really weird. I guess the cell phone line should stop sending us their promotion sms and make their line work nicely 1st..

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Weirdo On Facebook

The other day I had a weird person who send me a msg on facebook. This girl is from Philippines and she was asking me my details (Name, age). Not only that, she started to use tagalog on me. I didnt reveal my details and told her I have no idea what she is talking about. Then after that she asked me to call her as she wanted to hear my voice.

I was like wow, you want me to call you to hear my voice? How about the other way round? After that I didn't reply her messages anymore. Man I don't really understand people "TODAY". They are weird!

Friday, April 09, 2010


Kids really like this dude a lot. Took this picture in my cousins house the other day. This Barney is actually quite big. At times when I get back home and my lil niece will be watching Barney and singing along with him. Too much Barney aint good for us older 1's :P

Thursday, April 08, 2010

The Other Day

I was ushering during kids conference and this was what the kid said to his mum. I was standing at the landing to tell people to go upstairs to sit at the gallery.

Kid : Mum, can I help you with anything (about 4/5 years old)?
Mum : *this lady was carrying her baby and walking up the stairs* yeah you can help me carry baby *she was having it hard carrying the kid upstairs at that time*.

That scene was so cute. When I was standing at the landing, there were so many people who were tired of walking up to upstairs. It was really too high for them. It shows 1 thing, people need exercise :P

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Lunch The Other Day

I had a late lunch on 2/4/10 @ 2pm+. So we went to this place and we had a car park in front of the shop. After that I decided I will have chicken rice and add rice as I didn't have breakfast. I told the owner that I wanted small rice. But when my rice came, it was so much. I guess it was due to closing time and they wanted to get rid of their stock. So it is really worth to eat at about rm4.50 with so much rice.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

My Boss Told Me

The other day in the evening on 2nd April, my boss told me this:

Boss : Those documents you prepare pls put it in the server
Boss : You always say ok but you never do.

I wasn't really happy with that remark but I didn't really bother bout it as I am only 1 person doing IT Sec and when comes to visit, audit or others I am the one always working hard to cover for the rest because of our so called shortness. I am the 1 that have to prepare docs, write docs, create stuff from scratch and work on Saturday and Sunday yet get nothing. If you think you can really find people who will work like me (I might be wrong) then go ahead and find replacement of me as people no longer want to work so hard but to have life balance. Anyway that comment is also not for me. I have a office friend who tells the boss yes he will do but in the end he does nothing. Like my friend mention "he makes noise for easy task" which I total agree.

All I need now is a well deserve holiday far away from PJ and guess what office? I am not going to carry my support phone with me. Try reaching me on my main phone..

Monday, April 05, 2010

So Well Rested

After 1 month of madness. I really manage to get a good rest on the 2/4/10. I was actually not well after lunch due to the over extreme of cold to the extreme of hot when I went out for lunch. Anyway on Friday I slept about 10pm till the next day 10am. And in the noon I slept from 1pm-4pm. At night a tv series caught my attention so I slept on Sunday, 130am and woke up at 930am. In the noon, I slept from 12pm-4pm. See the amount of hours I use to sleep? Haha. Today I am really fresh. I guess I will have to start working out as well so I won't be so tired..

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Same Songs

Hi All,


Was in church yesterday and it was aunty Stef that did worship for this week. As I was doing worship this week, a lot of songs started to play on my head on Monday to plan for next week worship. And then it hit me that it was going to be Easter and more songs automatically flow into my brains. But to cut the whole story short, 3 of the songs were sang in church celebration. To me it was like *wow* and *yey*. Sounds weird but its true. That was my feeling at that time :)

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Late Late

I know I come back quite late quite often from work and this aunty asked me this.

Aunty : You are back early today JT.
JT : Feeling tired and not well aunty. Work is all now done.
Aunty : But what do you have to do?
JT : Prepare docs, update it, create some from scratch and etc.
Aunty : Isn't it really boring task?
JT : Yeah at times.

Anyway I need to change my pattern a little from always coming home late to early (try la, no promise)

Friday, April 02, 2010

Finding Your Fit (FYF) Class

Finding Your Fit class is really interesting. Really. If you are from DUMC, I would encourage you to go and check out on what you are good at. This class is about 4 half hours but you will be able to know what you are good at, what type of person you are and etc. Some of the stuff that I am good at is being confirm in that class. Anyway during tea time, one aunty join me for makan since I was sitting alone.

Aunty : I think I will go and sit the other table
Jason : Ok
Aunty : Nah I think I will join you
Jason : OK
Aunty : So what's your name
Jason : Jason *coz I was not wearing my smiley sticker*
Aunty : I am Jenny
Jason : Nice to meet you aunty
Aunty : Are you still studying Jason
Jason : Nope, working already, and once touch December I have been working for about * years
Aunty : Really? But you look like your still in college / uni.
Jason : Yup that is what everyone tells me. They say I still can pass by being a F5.
Aunty : Yeah coz you dont look old. How old are you Jason?
Jason : I am 2* aunty.
Aunty : Oh I got a son who is 29 years old.
Aunty : Where are you working?
Jason : SL doing IT.
Aunty : How is work so far?
Jason : Bz aunty, like yesterday (sat) I work from 11, then head to church for ushering and after FYF class, have to go back and work, then after work must go home iron clothes.
Aunty : Wow, even though you are busy you still find time for church.
Jason : Yes aunty, it is important to have work and church together. Actually truth is we spend more time @ work than in church.
Aunty : Yeah and you still iron your clothes?
Jason : Yup. Mum wash then I iron my clothes myself. Can't expect them to wash and iron for me.
Aunty : My son expect me to iron for him too. Till it was my bd he bought me the most expensive iron. It was about 2k?
Jason : Wow. Expansive. But better Iron will make you be able to do it faster too.
Aunty : Correct. My son takes 1 half hours to iron 3 piece of his top
Jason : 1half hours? That's long.
Aunty : Yeah he watch tv and iron
Jason : Oh ok...

That time when I say I iron my own clothes, the aunty was like wow (face remark). I was like normal mar to iron own bajues. I have friends who does it their own too or friends who does for their whole family. So I guess its not like major task to iron clothes right? haha..

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Stupid Cat

The other day 2 cats sat on top of my parents car. Not only that, they shit on my parents car too. Too much. I actually hate cat's. Really. If I can tumbuk them once, will be nice :P