Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter (Sunday) + Church Dedication

It was a long day for me on Sunday. I was in church since 630am for Easter Sunrise celebration and it was really good. We had it outdoor and many people turn up for the celebration. Even when we were outside we could already feel God's presence when we were worshiping him with praise songs. We had a Pastor to speak a little on his word, reading of the bible and proclaiming a text that was prepared for us. Then it was breakfast time.

Then had to wait for church celebration at 10am and was chatting with David while eating and relaxing in DC Cafe. Next thing I know it was time for celebration. It was good stuff from the Pastor from Singapore. After church I headed home straight away and got some sleep to prepare for the evening celebration as I have to be on duty.

I reach church like 415pm and attended my briefing and started to go in to the sanctuary by 430pm. Church Dedication was good. Worship was fun, the dedication time was great too. The best part is we are all asked to sign on a piece of plastic to show our commitment that we will stand by the church and give our best to the church. Next was dinner. Dinner was great for the price that we paid. But I know that the church will have to pay our share as we had sitiawan 9 course dinner that night. Good food? YEAH IT WAS!!!!!!!!! I was really shocked that we were eating those stuff that night. So what else can I say? My time on Sunday was really spend well.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Facts

Easter is always the 1st Sunday after the 1st full moon after the Spring Equinox (which is March 20). This dating of Easter is based on the lunar calendar that Hebrew people used to identify passover, which is why it moves around on our Roman calendar.

Found out a couple of things you might be interested in! Based on the above,
Easter can actually be one day earlier (March 22) but that is pretty rare.

Here's the interesting info.
This year is the earliest Easter any of us will ever see the rest of our lives! And only the most elderly of our population have ever seen it this early (95 years old or above!). And none of us have ever, or will ever, see it a day earlier! Here's the facts:

The next time Easter will be this early (March 23) will be the year 2228 (220 years from now). The last time it was this early was 1913 (so if you're 95 or older, you are the only ones that were around for that!).

2) The next time it will be a day earlier,
March 22, will be in the year 2285 (277 years from now). The last time it was on March 22 was 1818. So, no one alive today has or will ever see it any earlier than this year!

3). Just hope that you are still around next month or you will miss the event of your lifetime.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Kalau kita ke stesen minyak, selalunya ada tanda arahan yang mengingatkan kita agar jangan menggunakan handphone, matikan enjin kereta dan jangan merokok kerana benda-benda ini amat bahaya....

Ada satu lagi perkara yang tidak diberikan amaran/larangan langsung sedangkan ianya tidak kurang mendatangkan bahaya. Selalunya apabila kita memasukkan nozel ke dalam muncung tangki kereta, kita akan menunggu sehingga habis minyak yang kita beli. Kebiasaannya juga apabila nozel hendak dikeluarkan, kita mengetuknya pada muncung tangki supaya titisan-titisan terakhir petrol masuk ke dalam tangki dan tidak tertumpah.

Tapi awas!!! Ambil perhatian bahawa nozel tersebut adalah besi, muncung tangki juga diperbuat dari besi. Sekiranya terdapat karat pada nozel dan muncung tangki pula bergerigi, kemungkinan bila kita mengetuknya api akan menyala ('spark'). Janganlah disebabkan tidak mahu rugi setitik dua petrol, kebakaran pula yang terjadi…


Jangan ketuk tapi biarkan nozel tu lama sedikit untuk memastikan minyak telah berhenti mengalir.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Time Really Flies

These days time really fly extremely fast. It was 3 months ago that I was sitting in church on the 31st of December 2007 to usher in 2008. Next thing I know it is already March and it is Easter this week. I really don't know how on earth time fly so fast and . It is sad to see if we didn't really spend our hours / minutes / seconds nicely either. Looking back and asking how I spend my time, all I can say it is work, church, computer games, sleeping, holidays and maybe many other things that I might have done but I can't recall. To me when I was younger the time does not fly so fast. Why is it when we get older time flies so fast? I really don't know either.

I'm Hungry

I was sick last 2 days and I thank God that this time my fever didnt peak when it was from 12-6am. Usually it will peak and during those hours my life is really hard to describe. I will really have leg aches and a very high fever. But I guess this time God know that my parents are not around so my fever was not so high. Not only that, on Monday night I slept like a baby thru the night.

Yesterday I was feeling a lot better and would like to thank those who prayed for me. Yesterday was the day my pregnancy started to kick in and I was a really hungry boy. I cook 1 packet of maggi mee, I made egg sandwich and a cup of milo. In the end I ate 6 slices of bread, 1 packet of maggi mee and not forgetting my milo. That was so called for breakfast and lunch. At night I ate noodles and 1 piece of KFC, bread and whipped potato. I guess I can really eat when I am sick. As for today I had chapfun and my KFC and the coleslaw for lunch. I guess my tummy now is happy coz I am feeding it a lot.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jimat Jimat Power

Was reading a pc mag from US and most of the pages were saying if the pc and servers use this system / solar power (thats guarantee) /some other devices that it will save a lot of power and it will save the users pockets. Not only that, there is a part where says if Us would save $330 million if they follow Energy Star 4.0

To run off a little, as you all know we have a lot of sun. I wish that our street lights / etc etc can be powered by solar it will save us a lot of money too. I wish that my house is powered by solar at times. I know that the 1st purchase of solar is expensive, but when looking at the long run, it will be cheaper as the cost that can be saved is actually a lot.

So how do we save power? I really don't know after all.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Wife Scratch

The other day when I was doing worship I was using my guitar and I had to use my pick to play. But this time I really silap budget and I played not at the guitar hole but I played off the hole and behold I scratch my guitar a lot. It has been a while since I last scratch my guitar and this time there are many marks on it. *Sigh*

Anyway I will polish u really soon when I have the time and clean you up side down :P

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Time Will Come And It Is Now

Everyone, I have ALREADY resign from my Aeon Credits. Actually I feel so good after I got my HOD to sign the letter. My AM who is now a M wants me to stay but the longer I stay the longer I won't be able to learn anything anymore. The reason why he wants me to stay is coz he knows that I am technically gifted (Thank God) and I understand things instantly. Since I know most of the systems and how it goes around, it is quite a big gap to fill in once I am no longer there. My friend Kieng Weng won't be doing my work as I told him not too either.

Which company I am heading towards? Some of you who read my blog knows. Those of you who don't know I will only tell once I am there.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

TGIF Dept Dinner (Last Year)

Last year, we had our department dinner in TGIF in a place where I don't really still know where is it :) All I can say it is in KL. Food was good and the best was my table actually only had me, Franco, Chin Wei, Kieng Weng and Tong. The whole night was talking crap, laughing in my table and the other table which is the main table was like in silent mode. In the end the other people from the other tables decided to join us. In our table, we decided to make it different as we ordered all the different types of food and shared between all of us. It was a good time of bonding.

Another part of the story was we were late thanks to Chin Wei (really thanks if not we will have to sit the main table) who that time created wrong printer outq for one of the spots in PJ. KW, Me and Chin Wei in the end had to fix the problem and we were late. Pictures as below.

Me, Tong, Franco, Aik, Kieng Weng, Chin Wei, Shirley

Q&A session by Kasai 4 me n KW

Chicken Wings

3 in 1 Which I cannot remember the name

Dory Fish


Chocolate Cake For Dessert

Deparment Dinner Hard Rock Cafe

I believe it was a week before CNY we had our department dinner in Hard Rock Cafe. Good food is the word to sum it out, but the only thing it was smokey :( Overall it was worth it all. I still remembered that after dinner, a few of us walk to the lrt station (me hs, kw, chan). We talk a lot of crap on our way there. Not only that, I would like to welcome aboard the new SOO who just join a week during that time. Would like to welcome my new mate that time which is Yau who joined the security team a week before too.

Dinner was good like and the thing that happen that night was HS and me sat alone and we were so well entertained by the TV which was in front and behind us. We were watching football when the others we having fun drinking and taking pictures. Antisocial? Yes we were reason was simple as I still remembered that day I was so freaking tired as the day before was like madness. Everyone wanted my attention (printer localization, Mimix, Tivoli, Support and many more) the day before and continued to the next day.

Me, Elvin, HS, KW

CY, Me, HS

B, Me, Yau

B, Reagen, Me, TGS

The New Team that Supports all Branches n HQ

IT Dept Group Photo


Found some kickapoo when I came back the other day and 2 bottles were in my computer room. I actually wondered whose kickapoo is that and wondered if it came as a CNY hamper or something. Was trying to find the wrapping paper or even the basket but I didn't find any. So I guess in the end it was my parents who bought it. Last time drinks like coke and etc will be open quite fast especially when I find it. But it seems this time I don't really have the urge to have this type of drinks anymore.

Kickapoo was finally opened today by my sister. So since my sister open it, I decided to drink it too :P It was refreshing drink with ice on a hot day like today. I still remember back then when I was studying my diploma, my house mates who is CK, Henry, Hsien Tat, Loo Sien Tat have the liking towards kickapoo. Quite often they will drink that when we go and have our dinner outside.