Sunday, September 09, 2007

Smile That Will Make Difference

Today I was doing ushering and I was at church by 830am. It was quite a good time to be there early and we manage to hear the songs that will be sang during the worship. It was quite nice to worship God in advance with the songs. After a while Pastor started to pray for the celebration to do a sound check on his mike. Then it was time for the celebration.

During worship, suddenly something caught my attention which is like I felt like a word came in saying this "one day you will be up there (on stage doing vocals for church)". At instant I was like yeah I believe I should. I can't imagine myself up there, but I know with God's grace and timing, I will be up there one day. After that, I was so fired up for worship. I sang differently and tried to make it sound nicer from my place where I was standing. It was a good time of praise and worship. One of the songs that I played yesterday evening was "Kau Yang Terindah" and it was one of the songs that was sang today. Maybe for the person who heard me singing that song yesterday, comment if it is nice or not :P

At the end of the celebration, I was sitting around and I saw a group of students sitting together and one of them turn towards my location and I smiled at her. She return with a sweet smile. Around 1 hour later, I saw the same gal again this time in DTM as she was playing in the orchestra and they were doing strings check. So she looked at me and gave me that sweet smile that lasted VERY LONG. I just return her a smile and just observe the place as there were different people playing different musical instrument.I learn that a smile will make a difference. That is what my teddy bear thought me in my room as he is always smiling at me 24/7 in my room.

After that I left the room and I started to talk to little kids (I guess most of you know my heart are for kids) which started to ask me math. There was this 2 boys (age 5 and 7) and a gal at 7years. This kids are extremely cute and I manage to connect with them in 1 Minute. Their math questions are not that easy. In the end I could not answer their questions as it is always multiply something and something (all in big numbers). I have to say, even though today was a tiring day and from today onwards till December my whole Sunday will jut be focus in church, but it is worth every single time of mine. I just want to give back as much time I can for HIM and for the advancement of his Kingdom.

My Bear


Blogger Lizard said...

ar..the moment i saw ur blog is bear so cute,bear ah,u said wanna change owner rite?yeye!!
bear nod nod..wohoo!!

haha.."Maybe for the person who heard me singing that song yesterday, comment if it is nice or not :P" who ah??*looking around*
kla,don usik u la.his voice alwis nice,super nice cos it is kind of mixture:mature+cute+deep. it is a special gift from god to him..he can sing and lead ppl to focus on worship.tell u a secret,i was praying for u when u're singing yesterday although u're sending sms la..u see u see..hahah.

yay!on the stage,marching to the front..I praise ur heart for serving,thx Father!!

haha..his with gals. u can see it over his blog on his meeting with gals.. so,u guys knw his hobbies d,i think is his part time job and he miss someone in the church. aih.all ur fault with other gal.=P

it is also his hobbies that lead bear bear to have the thought to come to stay with me,so thx alot ya.u're so good ler bro..haha

12:01 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

bear will always stay cute from now till forever. the thing is, i will never let bear go till i die (i know you all must be wondering why).for those who don't knw, bear made a diff in my life.his hugs and smile really touch me.

i was sending sms?darn i cant even remember that :P my voice is mature+cute+deep? that is interesting :P

as for stage it will take some time ler.need to quit working in AEON CREDITS then only i will have more time for GOD.

my hobby is smile at gals?yeah thats my NO 1 HOBBY.i mean come on,thats all guys hobby man :p you knw the thing is sometimes gals give me the deep look too.that scares me off ok (really honest)

as for missing someone in church, u still nv tell us who, so how i knw who am i missing about?

9:16 PM  
Blogger Lizard said...

oh..come on gals.. pls give him deep looks to frightene him..tats gud idea!! then i curi bear from behind..

11:08 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

ah come on, now u teaching them all this la.fine, i will get boys to make u uncomfy too

7:59 AM  

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