Tuesday, September 04, 2007

DUMC Dreamcenter

DUMC DreamCenter had their official Opening on Sunday Morning. I was actually in church since 745am as I had to do ushering for that day and we had to be there early for the briefing. I was to take care of the gallery and also to usher people to the gallery. On that day itself was a hot day and it was not any cooler as now the ushers have to wear coat during ushering. I was hot and I was sweating a lot at the same time. I have to say the aircond of the church is not powerful enough and some parts of the church can be quite hot.

Anyway that aside, on that morning itself i shake nearly 300+ hands as I shook nearly all the hands of the people who were coming up the staircase. Some didn't shake my hand as they were shy. Guys and gals also shy :P Now I know how it feels to shake so many people's hands in less than 2 hours.

Anyway I have to say the Church rocks. I believe there are around 4K+ people on that day itself. We open the overflow room which can sit around 700+ and it was pack and the extra people had to sit at the concourse area as every where was full. Even students had to sit on the stairs to give way to others to sit on their chairs. Worship was great as it was lead by aunty Stef and Pastor Chris. Those musicians were one of a kind too as guitars were played by Timmy and Matthew, Bass was Andson, Drums Not sure who and Percussion by I don't Know who either. There was the choir and also the main set of vocals which did a really good job.


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