Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Sad True Story

On the 28th January 2011, without me knowing, I lost a friend. I lost my ex colleague. Today at 2am I got an SMS from my Klang Boss notifying that my friend pass away and I was really shocked to see the SMS as it was too good to be true. None of us ever expected it. My friend died when a lorry / trailer hit his car from the right passenger seat till the impact of the collision hit him in front and I believe he pass on with neck injuries. I believe he was on his way home at that time when the incident happen.

Honestly after I read the sms, I was kind of manchang. This friend of mine is younger than me and he has so many goals in life this year as he moved on to a better job. He actually shared this goals he had with us during his farewell.

After arriving to his house, when I saw the picture that was in front of the coffin, I was sad. I was hit by reality that my friend is no longer with us here on earth. It was really sad to see his parents loosing their kid to an accident. We stayed for about 25minutes before they had to move on to Shah Alam for cremation but that Mr Ng and I didn't follow along.

This friend of mine just left my current company about a month ago after finding another job nearer to his house which honestly all of us were happy for him. I still remember during his farewell he told me that when it was my last day in SL he will come for my farewell. A couple of weeks ago, he contacted me and even plan out to go to my Klang boss house next Sunday for Chinese New Year.

Kok Ping, you will be truly miss by all of us. Even as I write this, I tear coz I lost a good friend. I will always remember the dinners that we have together when I did my OT from Giant Car Park, Piggy and many more places. Thanks for helping me out in my work when I needed to print so much for Tbank Audit and you really help me a great deal. You will be dearly missed.


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