Friday, December 31, 2010

Bad Experience

I had an bad experience with in Damansara Specialist Center on 29th December. To cut the whole story short, it is not really a blood test that they are giving but they are trying to sell their full medical checkup. Not only that, their consultant was so nasty, rude and racist. So to cut the whole story short, I was not that happy by the way they talk to me so I just walk off when they were talking to me. During that time that consultant who is an M tried to tell me other things which that time turn me off already. I didn't bother to shoot her back because I didn't want to waste my time. But to me when you want to sell your products, you should not be nasty. Maybe she thought I was a kid and since I didn't have any CC so they were not so happy with me. But guess what? You don't know what happens on the back end systems of CC.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

So Fast?

Guess what date is it today? It is 30th! Another 1 more day and it will be 31st then it will be 1st! Faster do what is needful before the 01/01/11. But I have to admit, time really fly in 2010. It is really madness. If I really reflect back, I guess most of the time I am in work, sleep and the rest is time in church.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

IT Website

I answer questions that I know in itknowledgeexchange and in the month of Nov-Dec there was a competition and if you are the winner for 1st, 2nd and 3rd price you will win an xbox. So there was this guy who every month he was the top. Without fail every month his points are like 4K!

The competition was meant for those with highest points to win the xbox. But guess what? After a person mention that the rest won't win it, that guy didn't win it too. haha. I guess he won't be happy. haha.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I Got My Printer

My Samsung printer roller decided to leave earth once again and I didn't want to fix it after finding out that there is a super chun printer from Epson. It is called Epson ME™ Office 960FWD. I bought this printer as the ink replacement is really really really affordable. For black it is rm24 and you can print 230 pages while the higher capacity is at rm50 and you can print 900 pages. If compared to my samsung the toner is now about 230 and you can print about 200o pages (I think so only). SO if you put 3 sets of higher cap it is only rm150 to print 2700 pages.

But the 1st time cost of this printer is quite high. But it is worth every cent as it can Print, Photocopy, Fax and Scan. Connectivity can be Wireless, LAN and USB. How super is that? Let me add on, you can print duplex and scan DUPLEX TOO. Guess what? Even thought the ink is inkjet, the ink wont spear when you pour water..WOOHOOOOOOOOO.. Super printer huh? haha

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve

On Christmas eve, I was quite lazy in office. I admit. I mean who works during Christmas eve? Anyway to cut the whole story short, it rain in the evening, I went home at 530pm, slept till about 715, wake up, went for makan and came back and watch TV :P

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

Didn't really do that much during Christmas day. I slept at 130am on Christmas day itself as I wanted to watch myself on Aubrey Suwito Christmas With Friends on 8tv at 1230am. But quite sad to say that they remove quite a couple of songs from our original setup.

In the morning my alarm didn't ring thanks to my mistake. I set it to wake me up at 7am, but I woke up automatically at 750am (that is the time I wake up everyday for work) and I rush like crazy dude as church was to start at 830am. When I reach there I still manage to get my hands on a couple of muffins for breakfast. Had to usher for 2 celebration's and when it was already the 2nd celebration, I was so tired.

Didn't have lunch, went back and sleep till like 5pm and had recycle food for dinner :P

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Blessed Christmas

Dear All,




Full Size Picture

Message Inside the Balloon

Friday, December 24, 2010

Aubrey Suwito Christmas With Friends

Hi People,

If you guys didnt get to watch it in DUMC. This event will be played on TV on NTV7. Details as below :

Channel : NTV7
Date : 25 December 2010
Time : 1230am

Yeah I know its at a very special time. Do watch you. You will see me in that event for the last 2 songs :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010


This is what happen to my thumb drive when it kena my perfume (to spray on baju) in the car. So I am wondering if we kena direct perfume, will our skin become like what happen to the thumb drive? So beware :P

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Exaggeration. Why? At times I don't understand why too. Example

A : I called you like 1 million times
B : Only 1 miss call la

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Never Ever

Curse your kids. When you curse them, they will actually wonder a lot of things. I have been cursed by my parents and boy it really makes me wonder a lot of things. I guess not many kids will ever face the same situation as me as what I have gone thru. You actually wonder where is God when you are hit with this type of things. No one can talk you out of it as they have / will never go thru the same thing as me.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Today I receive a call from someone and they wanted to talk to me as I read their article. Man does it mean that any technical article that I read I will be called up? Hmm...All I do is read it for fun for my own good. Does anyone face the same thing too?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

OA Christmas Party

OA christmas party was good this year. This year I really see a vast improvement if compared to last year. This year food was cooked by OA people. And this time it was so much different. Even the floor is now with pebbles so that the ground wont be so muddy. But really thank God that the weather was really fine as that place can be really humid as there is no air movement.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Weird SMS

Someone send me the wrong sms and I find it really weird.

"Ini Ayah tlong bgi topped Rm30 ke nombo bru ayah (no wont be put here) Ayah lgi ada msalah kat blai plice. Ta payah call sekejap ayah call"

I am not sure of this guy status now. I believe he wanted to send the sms to his son or daugther but he send this sms to the wrong person. Anyway hope this guy is ok.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Umbrella Rosak

Aih my umbrella that I keep inside my bag is already rosak! Quality not so good but I have been using it since like my days in aeon, so it should be about 3 years old. But the thing is I hardly use it too. Time to get a new umbrella as weather this month is just so unpredictable.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


This month is really a slacking month for me. I guess it is December and everyone slacks. I guess it the mood that is in the air and as today is already the 16, its 9 days more before Christmas :) I guess everyone looks forward to Christmas. I do too, as I will be on leave after that for 1 week :)

I have been hearing Christmas songs since November. I had to start to turn the mood on. But I have to say that hearing Christmas songs is really cool as it is really soothing especially when you are busy @ work and when you listen to it, it will bring a special joy and smile to me :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Overnight Story

I did overnight on Mon-Tues and I manage to catch some sleep from 1145-145 am when I was awaken when suddenly the building genset kick in and also my aircond went off. I was in a state of "eh eh" as I was sleeping. Anyway I thought I could start my work by 3am but I was so wrong, I only manage to start at 345am (man the amount of hours I could sleep extra). But at the same time I was worried as I have to do a lot of stuff and also make sure that the system is up by a certain time. I was lucky that everything was done by 545 am (really playing with fire). I was thinking to go back to sleep again but after looking at how short the time will be, I just hang around till about 745am and went home and sleep again :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Yup I am doing overnite today again. This time will be more task. I guess it will be one of my very few to do overnite. But man doing overnite is not easy. The last time I did overnite, I felt like going to KO. Maybe because old already :(

Monday, December 13, 2010

Darn My Neck

Didn't really sleep well last night as my neck was having some problems. I don't know how did I get my neck pain too. It could have been that I didn't sleep nicely. Now I am so sleepy in office...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Garmin Nuvi 765

I took about 4 hours to play my GPS today. I really manage to learn a lot more and malsing thru their forums and manage to update my maps and even download latest msm map. So I guess it was quite a fruitful day for me. Yey!

Friday, December 10, 2010

My Friend Last Day

Today it will be my friend's last day. This boy is called Rich and it is Rich last day. So sad. I guess he will be even richer as he is heading to Mewah Oil. He is Rich and with mewah his life will be really good. See you bro! Take care and do your best there :)

Thursday, December 09, 2010


Weather in December is really nice. Always rain, always cloudy. When the weather is like this, working adults will find it tough to wake for work as we are so lazy (I am, I admit). That is why in December I kind of late and really no mood to work. Coz its Christmas month so its all about holidays and chills :)

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Expensive Chicken Rice

The most expensive chicken rice I have ever eaten is near my DSP last time. Man 1 person eat, add rice, the cost is rm6++. That is one of the most expensive chicken rice and there is no char siew or even siew yoke. Nothing to shout about I have to admit and the chicken is freaking dry. SO its a no no for those who want to try it.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Don't Get It

I don't understand 1 thing which is happening in my company right now. When an operator does a mistake, I don't know why my office colleague and me will need to find solution to make sure problems don't happen.

One great example is that this dude, he has 2 years experience but he is freaking lazy dude. The other day when he was to do backup he go and do restore! And guess what? He didn't even tell anyone about it till he went home after his shift. Then that was it.

When my boss question him, he say he never use this ID before. But guess what? The rest of the projects uses the same ID and it even existed many months before he even came. Actually the news is since he is the senior, when he is working at night, he does nothing. How I know? I work overnight when he was working overnight and I notice that too obvious. He just sit infront of 1 pc and always been typing all the way. How can you type the whole 2-3 hours while the rest are waiting / monitor the end of day job? I still remember he just say sorry but his sorry is now "real". It looks so fake.

Anyway when ever the operator makes mistakes, we will find solutions for them so that they don't do the same mistake again. But to me being careless is something too big to avoid especially when the job needs to be done is total different.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Overnight With EY

Man this EY also one kind. They want to make life hard for people so I had to do overnite with them. Anyway I slept at 2am + but it was so uncomfy as there was no bed to sleep on and I slept on my table. Even with my pillow still cannot.

In the end I went back about 5am and slept till 1230pm :P hahaha. Really tired. Can say the whole of my day has been rosak. When the auditors went home, they are more fresh than me. How can that be???? Maybe they didn't work that day itself.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

My Car Again

Found out that my car was broken in the 2nd time :( This time they took my Touch and Go card. But I didn't like the way how before it happen event took place. Sometimes if you don't have nice words to say or share, please don't say it. After that person mention to me "if they break in break in lor" it really turn me off. It is like a curse to me man.

Anyway I don't think I wan to go Bukit Kiara anymore unless my car is really safe (which means have alarm and all). Sad betul...

Saturday, December 04, 2010


DUMC had its Christmas Event on the 1-3 December 2010. Now I would like to share how the event was for me. I was doing ushering for Friday and Sunday show. On Friday, the amount of people came was MADNESS. If I am not wrong nothing less than 3500-4000 people were in DUMC till that the surroundings and even Jaya33 ran out of car park.

Ushering was really difficult on Friday. Why? Our hall can only sit about 2700 and we have too many people that does not have seats and not only that we encountered some problems too. So in the end many people were willing to seat on the stairs (upstairs and downstairs) as the show was about an hour long. Not only that, we didn't have any contingency plan on how to manage the crowd too. So response on Friday was less. We could not distribute the packs to people on Friday as we could not reach them.

On Saturday we had to put in extra chairs to accommodate the crowd. This time they had to line up to enter the hall. When I was there @ 230pm, people were already queuing up till outside the basketball court! Inside was already pack! But this time with the extra chairs, everything was more under control.

About the show, on Friday I had no idea what the show was about as I stand at a place where I saw NOTHING :P So on Sunday I manage to stand at the main door and I manage to understand that show a little better. But the best part was the amount of response that came back will really blow off your mind. Really thank God for all the response that was returned to us :)

Friday, December 03, 2010

My Car

The other day, I walk out to my house and then I notice my back bumper drop even further. I was like ???????????????? I was really convince someone bang me again! In the end it was my dad's friend who actually reverse into my car bumper that cause it to drop even more. I hope that no 1 will continue to bang my bumper if not for sure it will drop!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Not Again

Again petrol went up by 5 cents for Ron95 and Sugar up by 20cents. Man this will eventually bring everything up too. Like many people share the same opinion which is "Salary tak naik tapi petrol naik" which I agree. Even in SL we are unsure / quite confirm not getting any increment. So better find another job that gives yearly increment even though it is not much :P

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Wife & GF

Not the latest topic is my mum keep on bugging me to find gf or wife. Then she will infront of me tell people to introduce girls to me. Man this topic is so hot that I am so lazy to talk about it anymore. At times it just turns me OFF