Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lost Confidence

The other day when one of our so called experience staff made a mistake and its so stupid mistake, I lost confidence in him. He was given a task to do restoration and even that he made the mistake but yet he sign off that everything was ok. But when it was at night, all the unwanted happen which was EOD got problem.

Another staff that we have too is really poor in understanding things. When asked he will reply ok but when he is asked to do the job, he cannot even do the task at all. The reason why I hate it is because it will only cause problems to me when the forms come back to me. If there is a mistake, who is going to follow up with the user? Me? Man my task is already as high as KLCC man..

I guess even after working for many years, basic things we will need to know or not how will we be able to progress to another level of our work? If we are happy with our current pay and position till we retire then I guess it is ok, but if we are not, should not we do even better?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

General Stuff

The trend that I see now is lets say your 1 half don't attend CG the other half don't attend CG too. Why does that happen? Actually I am still wondering and it happens most to YA. For example in my parents cg, if 1 half don't come, the other half will still come. So what does it mean? I know at times lets say 1 half have to do OT while the other don't, wont it be good if the other half turn up for CG?

What you guys think? Any comments on this issue?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Worship Conference in DUMC

I attended both nights of concert and I have to say that both nights were total different. 1st night was Sidney and 2nd night was Glenn. But I prefer Sidney as it was 2 hours of great music and worship. Not only that, he can scream which don't really sound like scream for 2 hours without feeling tired too. I myself after 2 hours was really tired. I will remember the nights for 6 reasons, which will be :

  1. Superb Sounding Of Taylors Guitar
  2. God's Presence with mixture of English and Bahasa Songs
  3. Amount of People who rush in when the door was open.
  4. The ending song with Hosanna!
  5. Super arrangement of songs
  6. A lot of Indonesians were there.

As for Glenn, it was really good too. But his was not the whole way power pack with songs but there was a little bit of talking which makes both nights different and that people can sit down. I guess not only I was the 1 tired, but those who stood for 2 hours will be tired too.

Monday, September 27, 2010

This Uncle Told Me......

The other day when I was doing ushering for True Worshipers Concert, this uncle again reminded me to get a gf really soon. This uncle has not told me once but twice. I guess it is really reminding me over and over again that the time is here? He then told me about someone that was about 40 years old and didn't have time to paktoh and etc.

My final words is this, I know I work really hard....I guess too hard till I don't have life, but what to do? I don't have choice. My boss won't hire anyone to help me and everything also I NEED TO DO MYSELF which is quite crappy. If the work is not done, who kena? Me lor....

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Question By Mum

The other day after my cousin wedding :

Sis : Go for "someone", she is a good girl
JT : Dowan
Sis : Then what is ur criteria for girls?
JT : Unknown.
K : Make sure don't gay ok already
Mum : Chee Sin

Why want to rush to get married or find gf? Relax la!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Freaking Blur

I had dinner @ KFC at that road leading to UH. Those people there are freaking blur I tell you. I ordered 3 dinner plates with 2 ori and 1 spicy but the girl go tell the guy 2 spicy 1 ori. Not only that, I told them I am having here, they pack my chicken in boxes. I then found suspicious so I reminded that girl again. So sometimes I wonder how people work. I mean simple stuff also cannot do then if you are given bigger and harder stuff how la??

Friday, September 24, 2010

Feeling Short Changed

You know that I do 24x7x365 days support and I get nothing? You know that the programmers they do support every single day and they get rm30? Do you know how much I lost? I mean if with that money I can even use it to pay my down payment for my car. I mean if you do the math each month I can get nearly 840 on handphone support alone then in a year I can get 10K man. But sad to say I get 0. I bet if my rest of my office mates get that type of money they would like to get a new car too.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Desa Park City

I went for dinner in D'Fortune the other day and I invited a friend who was staying there to eat with me as I owe my friend a meal. Anyway after we ate, my friend invited me to Desa Park City. To me I thought that place is for those who have houses there only and it is a gated community. I didn't know that there is life in there till my friend told me. There is a park in this place too which people can bring their dogs to have a run and also have a run on their ownself.

When my friend brought me for a tour around the area, man I was shocked that there is so many nice car's there ranging for Skyline R34 and Skyline R35 in the area looking for parking. Man it is like another car show room over there. But check out the name of the area also that you know it is a rich man area so these people can buy this type of car with no problem at all.

The park is really nice. If you love dogs, go check out the area. Even at night there are many dogs with owners and other people doing exercise at that park. The only thing is the trees are still quite small so when you run in the morning, it might be quite hot. But really go check out the park and I know that you guys will enjoy it too

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

DUMC Prayer Conference

Hi Guys,

DUMC Prayer conference is on 1-3 October 2010. More information as below :

Date : 1-3 October 2010
Location : DUMC
Speakers : Dr Philip Lyn & Nancy Lyn
Registration Form Here

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Easy Money in SL

You guys want to learn how to earn fast and easy money? Work in SL. Let me teach you their secret. Lets say they do migration today, by tonight confirm that EOD will have problem. When there is a problem, they will come and work and they will earn rm80 straight away. This guy called Lokey has came into office more than 10 times in month of August and September and see how easy he earn his money? Not only that, I will repeat, that programmers get rm30 a day for phone support and some of them even take this chance to earn and even they will go for a holiday after a couple of months having this money.

But my side, we have to support this dumb ass programmers, and yet we don't get the money that they are getting. So sometimes doing support is just so frustrating. They disturb your sleep yet you get nothing. Fair or unfair? You be the judge.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Please Don't Hire HIm

If any company want to hire a person called loke kin huei, please don't hire him. When he does his migration or his programming, his work will have error everyday. Trust me. He sucks that much. Every time he wants to do migration, he will come with an excuse saying that "if don't do tonight, eod got problem."

If you need more info, please don't hesitate to ask me.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


The other day I went to KFC and eat my dinner with my parents. While ordering I told that I want 3 dinner plates which will be 2 ori and 1 spicy and I am having here (in KFC itself). Later in less than 5 seconds the girl could tell her friends 2 spicy and 1 original. Then I was like eh? Not only that, they were packing my chicken in the box for take away! This is how blur they are. When I reminded them that I am having there, they still give me my boxes with extra plates. It shows that simple work also cannot do, then how are they to go further?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tough Month

I have to admit this month will be tough again. Need to really follow procedures to 100% and there aint no place to slack. Slack a bit and that is it our certification is "done". But the thing is we have such great programmers who refuse to follow the policy and suka hati do migration when ever they want. Sad but true..

Friday, September 17, 2010

Glenn Packiam In DUMC

Hi Guys

Glenn Packiam & band will be in DUMC today at 8pm for concert. It is open to all and everyone is welcome to come to come. It is free too. This is following the Worship God Conference 2010 that is held in DUMC. Check out the details as below

Place : Dream Center
Location: Dream Center
Time : 8PM (Door Open @ 730PM)
Date : 17/9/10
Day : Thursday

Thursday, September 16, 2010

True Worshippers in DUMC

Hi Guys

True Worshippers will be in DUMC today at 8pm for concert. It is open to all and everyone is welcome to come to come. It is free too. This is following the Worship God Conference 2010 that is held in DUMC. Check out the details as below

Place : Dream Center
Location: Dream Center
Time : 8PM (Door Open @ 730PM)
Date : 16/9/10
Day : Thursday

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Looking Old

The other day I went to yumcha with my friend and the 1st thing he said when he saw me

H : OMG, you look so old
JT : Shutup man

Now I am really wondering if I look that hagged :(

Monday, September 13, 2010

Look Out Point Ampang

Was there for the 1st time. Didn't have that super camera. Used my HP camera. But I have to admit. Going there is so freaking long.Its like an hour from PJ man. It is really cooling and the scene up there is really nice. Enjoy

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I was recently in the Aubrey Suwito "Christmas With Friends" and I have to say I am totally blown away till today. I am really grateful to be in the band to be able to perform at the highest level which I never ever got the chance before. Like I mention many times already, I am really lucky to be in.

After the event, I started to check out my band members and boy are they well known. I found them in youtube playing or even having an interview and it is recorded. I will tell you a little bit of what I know about my Band Members.

Starting from

Drums - John Thomas, he is selected by Yamaha Malaysia as he is a really good drummer. Even on back stage he was practicing his beats with his device.

Bass - Andy Peterson, this guy has played for so many local and overseas event and even played for some popular singers from overseas.

Guitar - Nan Aznan, this guy plays for malaysian artist and also was playing in 1 in the million (singing contest).

Guitar - Mohd Rafi, Don't really know much about this guy, but he has couple of albums under his name

Percussion - Steve Thorthon, Man this guy plays for Michael Jackson and Mariah Carey, do I need to say more?

Piano - Aubrey Suwito, a guy really popular in our local scene.

As for the rest of the crew on the horns, I don't really know them either. But every single 1 of them made the difference during both nights :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

An Accident Near My Office

The other day when I was coming back from Cyberjaya, I saw many traffic police and normal police. I really wondered why. Was wondering if the police was doing road block, but when I came closer, I saw many people standing under the tree too. So I decided to look to my left and I saw a black bag covering a person.

That dude was on superbike and he pass away. Don't ask me how he pass away as I wasn't there at that time.

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Boss Can't Take My Car

The other day I had to drive to Cyberjaya and in the car park my boss was already asking me to change my car already. Then the other day when my friend was driving a couple of us for lunch he ask me to change my car again! I am now wondering if my car is really that bad. My car is skyline ok :P

But even if lets say I get a 2nd hand, car, my mileage will be very low as from home to office and office to home is a max out of 15-16km a day only. I even service my car once a year only. I know my car aircond duct is spoil, but I will get that fix the next time I service my car and my car don't have tint. So that is the only issue my car is facing now. Other than that my car is perfectly fine.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

More Work

Alamak, my boss tambah my kerja lagi lor. The other day he say he don't want me to do so much manual work anymore but after this SAS 70 audit, my work is added as I need to do across platform for some of the checking that I do. How to do when there is not enough people? Even now I am already back dated as I haven't been printing some of my stuff out :( Then once come 14th September, another project will launch and it will be extra again :( :"(

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Now I Understand

There was once when there is this person who say if you buy Boss(GT8, GT10) or Line 6(Pod XT Live, Pod X3 Live) effects, there will be a difference compared to Zoom and other brands. The other day when I listen to 2 guitarist and 1 had an GT10 and another I am not sure what brand, man it is really different.

Not only that, being a good and powerful guitarist will also allow you to have controls to the effects and rather than it coming out with weird sounds you are able to control it nicely too. So in everything that we do, experience counts (work and etc)

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


I am really fedup today (6th). So much work to do and I have to fix 2 stuff. 1 is for SAS 70 and another is PCI - DSS. Some of it is not my problem but I still have to do. But what I hate is that I got so much paper work to do. Sometimes it is like I am doing a clerk work (for real, check out my table). That is why I wish I can hide somewhere and do my work and not be disturb at all. Being disturb is what I hate but what to do? Cannot run away. Programmers in SL don't have any quality at all.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Wrong Response

The other day there is a new programmer that join and he was there to collect his access card. Check it out :

JT : So what did you study man?
Ivan : I don't know, you will need to ask How
JT : ????

Man even though I ask simple question, the programmers don't know how to answer.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

So Funny

The other day I was playing with my niece and she asked me to tell her a story. So I decided to tell her a cat story. After finishing the story, she asked me this question :

Niece : Kuku, why you don't like cats?

I just laugh and my dad laugh. Then I ask her how you know? She just look at me with her cute eyes with no answer. It was so funny.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

User Problem

Even after I bought the GPS my parents don't know how to use. They wanted to use it to go Kampar but they don't know how to navigate it. So I guess in the end it is not so much of the device problem but user problem. If it is me, I will just try by pressing what ever I can see and if it will bring me to my destination..

Friday, September 03, 2010

What A Way To Write A Card

The other day I saw a wedding card and it wrote this way but to protect the person identity, I will change the person name :

Jill & Partner

When I saw the card I laugh. Usually on wedding card you will see the person name like Jack & Jill. It seems this person is not doing his / her homework before inviting. haha

Thursday, September 02, 2010

How A Head Threathen Me

The other day I receive a call from BJ and this is what he told me

BJ : So if now no signature you won't do migration?
JT : Yes.

*We are doing SAS70 and he is the 1 so scared of it*

BJ : Then you go and explain to customer that because don't have my signature, you wont do.
JT : Hey chill la, I haven't even seen the form.

*I actually haven't seen the form at that time too*

*At that same time he was so emotional*

*I guess he misses his other half*

But the way he talk to me he thinks he is so great. But at the same time he knows his application team always got body but don't have brains. That is what he mention about them behind their backs at all times.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

3 Rounds Is A Must

Last time when I always walk in Bukit Kiara Hill, I will just do 1 round and when I come down, I will always yawn without fail. I guess that time I didn't walk / run enough that is why there is not enough oxygen in my brains / body.

But the other day when my friend and I went to the same place, we walk like 3 rounds and even did running up the hill which is quite a crazy way of doing exercise but it was really great. After the walk, I didn't feel that sleepy. So I guess 1 round is not enough, there is a need for at least 2 or more. Do more never mind, don't do less :P