Wednesday, February 10, 2010


There was once this person ask me to blog about her. Well her wish did come thru but quite late. Not sure what to blog about you but will try. I know this girl during Chritmas presentation. I mean I didnt really know her till the day she decided to tap my should during my friends wedding. The paiseh thing is people know my name even her which was not fair but fair coz I was the nottie boy in practice.

Anyway this girl is darn tall for her age. Scary BUT TRUE. She is only 15 this year but she is at least 5 feet 7 half? She don't look like 15 years old too. She looks like 19? She is just the same as me, small frame but tall. She is a nice girl too if you know her well and she loves to eat green tea ice cream in curve (unsure why).

Anyway its a pleasure knowing you. I decided not to put your name but you know who you are :)


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