Saturday, June 14, 2008

Starting To Loose It

I am starting to loose it for my company. It seems nearly everyday since last week I brought back to do my Policy and Procedures and I will only sleep like quite late every single day. At times its 1030pm, 1130pm and last night was at midnight. The reason is simple, because I don't have enough time in office (time management is not perfect) and at times I need to go to KL and do other things in the DC. All the extra task which is added into me will actually make me slower my work.

Not only that, yesterday my boss came and took back 1 of the parking ticket and told us that the parking is only temporary and we will need to source our parking outside ourself. He told us that we are given a certain sum to claim, but guess what? The sum that is given to us is not enough if we want to park inside the building. We will need to park away from our building so that parking will be cheaper. The nearest car park is around 5 minutes walk and another car park is at Rothmans Round About which is easily 15-20minutes walk from my office. Why isn't my boss fighting for us? I don't know. I think he is just hopeless.

At times I feel we work like donkey, but they don't even appreciate our work. All they want is get it fast and fast and fast. This week is a madness week for me as I have a lot of things to follow up in DC and also in KL site. Not only that, we have to redo the cables to make it neat in the DC itself. I don't know am I going to split myself and my time, but I will just have to try. At times I just feel like resigning from the company but there are still quite a lot of stuff for me to learn (hope so).

My boss is a guy who NEVER remembers things. When you tell him 1 minute ago and later when
he calls you, he will say that you didn't update him and etc when actually we did. He is a busy man and actually he should not even become the Data Center Head. Not only that, the war that he and other people have will only make things worst as they will purposely inflict injury to each other while we the staff will surely kena. So what shall I do for now? Well since I am only on the 2nd month of the job, I think I will need to brush up then I will still give my very best. If I can, I guess I will need to find another opening elsewhere.


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