Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pastor Daniel's Prayer on Sunday

Even without our realization

God Forgive US

Oh Lord the lack of love for you and the people around

Our pride, our prejudice,

Oh God Forgive US,

Our wrong priorities,

Our lack of passion,

Oh God Forgive us

Our lost of vision in life

Lost of purpose of living

Consume of the here and now rather than the eternal

Little care for the people around us for community and for people from other background

More concern of our own well being

Lord Forgive us

Forgive us father when we serve we don’t serve with the right attitude

We grumble and complain

We Lost sight our father of the calls of our lives

The privilege that you have given to us we count as a duty and burden

God Forgive us

We are upset and angry about things and many things

Lord forgive us

We allow woundedness to break us, unforgiveness to chain and bind us

Lord forgive us,

Forgive us if we have not play our part and role in our cell group

We only go when we can

Little desire to contribute and participate and be a blessing there

Going there as a duty rather than seeking to be a blessing when we are there

Lost of vision of cell leadership or participation of the cell

Little desire and part of wanting to be the body of Christ that is vibrant and the life

We come late for meetings

We don’t take thing for seriously

Oh lord forgive us

We recognize how we let the world things sweep us off our feet

How we consume with wrong passion and desires

Oh God forgive us

We plead with to you oh father that you come and do a new work in us

Cleanse us that is all is wrong

Wash us clean we plead with you once again with the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ

Only the blood of Christ can cleanse us and forgive

Only u Jesus Christ can do a new and fresh work in our life

Oh God

Do something fresh, something new

Our only hope is YOU

Our only way forward is thru YOU

Lord help us we pray

That we will not father this day that you cleanse us we will not take your things lightly

Father as kneel before you or what ever posture that we are in

Father this day we recommit and rededicate our lives to you

We want to mean bossiness with you oh God

We are tired

We have been weary and burden our father

We see christen ministry as a chore to it and go about doing it

Forgive us father

Cleanse us in you

Forgive us for distraction

And dealt with discouragement to come in and grip our heart

Wash us clean this day father

Wash us clean with the blood of Jesus Christ

Fill us a new and a fresh

Empower us Lord that this day father we will come a fresh and new in You

As you cleanse and renew us

I pray that Holy Spirit you will fill everyone a new and fresh us

Come right now sprit of God

Come right now minister to us

In what ever posture we are in

Minister to us right now

Come and renew and us and afresh

Come and revitalize us

Come and revive us

Turn our hearts right again

Give us a new heart and new spirit

That will long after you and things of yours

And help us to run the race well not to be distracted not to be confuse not to be misdirected

Help us father that this day we recommit and rededicate our self to you o God as a body of Christ

Lord God enable us father to understand and recognize that hope of our nation and the hope of our respective nation is in the revise church and have the faith to believe you father

To have the boldness and have the courage to step forward

Forgive us if the church failing to call to our nation and respective nation

We think of our self as so small,

We think that our god is so Small we are so small so small minded

That our design of the church is great and glorious

Lord renew our minds that we will believe courage that you will use the church once again

Use the church to be the salt and light of the earth and world.

I pray that the church will be the mediating structure that will bring healing to our nation

I pray that the church will be on the rise, move and march the church will storm the gates of hell and will bring many into the kingdom of God

The church will be the light of the world and the church will move

From strength to strength

And to glory and to glory and victory to victory.

The church that is marching on to Zion

The church will be the beacon of the whole world that people will find hope in it again

Do it again, do it a new, do it a fresh that we will not miss the divine destiny

We are tired of living mediocre life

We are tired of having little mark and difference in this world

Give us the courage and faith

That the church of Jesus Christ is the saving instrument of the world.

That the church of Jesus Christ is the hope of the nation and nation of the world

Help us O God

Lead us and guide us along that we will move on a wonderful way with you o God

That we will celebrate what you have given to us a church

That will truly make a difference in the world

That signs and wonders and healing and miracles will take in the life of the church and

That it will be a center of healing

And that will be a place of God encountering us

That non Christian will come and rush in numbers coz they see the grace and presence of God

They see God at work in healing, restoring delivering, binding us and in unity of the body of Christ

Do something again father this day

Do it a fresh

Do it a new

Revitalize your people

Reenergize the body of Christ

Revive your church

Rent the heavens and

Come down once again

Come down to your people

We hunger for you

We long for you

We desire for new move of God

So that the church will never be the same again

Help us once again

Glorify your name

We praise you

We adore you

In Jesus Mighty Name



Blogger Lizard said...

great prayer.. awesome

10:00 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

Yeah I agree.

The prayer brought tears to myself as I was guilty of some part of it.

God Help Us, God Forgive Us.

8:20 PM  

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