Thursday, April 24, 2008

Me and My New Work

I have to say I am really blessed with this new job so far. Really I have to thank God for this work as I get to go home early nearly everyday. I don't need to do OT at all. At times the max that I go home is around 645pm. But the thing is after you start to go home early, you will feel weird as there is still so much time left in the whole day. It actually takes me around 15mins to get to my office and around 20minutes to get back from office.

Not only that, there is only 2 people in where I work which is good stuff too but when the task comes, there are only 2 people to do it which is cleaning up the place, running around to clients side and many other stuff which can be quite tiring at times. Most of the time when we are in the DC we play 'cyberwar' which is a new term used by me and Mr Ng :P It is really fun to work back with him in the DC.

I can say today I was double bless as we had lunch covered by our boss as we had to attend a meeting at KPMG tower today and after that we went for a walk in 1U coz our boss told us to walk around before going back to office. Honest I was truly shocked when I heard what he said. And yeah we did walk around 1U for a while before we headed back to our main office. So far my work is GREAT and I believe it will be greater when I have more stuff to learn.


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