Thursday, November 30, 2006

I am so sick of Home

I thank Fod for my job in KL, but at times I am so sick of staying in my own house facing all the rubbish that I see. Maybe once I got alot of experience I will go to Singapore and work. It is for my own good I believe

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Moral Exam + Work

Well I guess most of you know that I failed my moral exam last time. So my moral exam is coming soon which is on the 15th December. I really want to pass the exam once and for all. This paper is the only paper which is keeping me in University.

As for a job, I have already secured a job in a company called AEON. I will be doing security and network. A special thanks to those who prayed for me to get the job. The interview was fine. No technical question at all. That is why I really need to pass my moral so I can go on with my working life. Do pray for me yeah as I put in my very best into my moral paper.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Don't Simply Joke With People

Some people don't really know how to take jokes or handle jokes. So beware when you joke or even talk to people. They MIGHT bite you back really hard.

Monday, November 27, 2006


Well I know I have been always posting about wedding. My aunty whose daughter wedding is coming this Saturday haven't plan much for her daughters wedding. That includes the table seating. Now I am actually typing for her the table numbers and the person sitting in which table. Moral of the story, don't plan last minute as you will surely be in pain.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Got Tag

Part 1: On the Outside
Name: Jason (not in IC) Teo Jin Teik
Birth Date: 19 May 198*
Current status: Single
Eye Color: Don't really know
Hair Color: Black???
Righty or Left: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Part 2: On the Inside
Your Heritage: Hokkien, Foo Chow, HokChiah (Foochow and hokchiah nearly same,tone diff)
Your Fear: Not Earning enough or even my future
Your Weaknesses: Discipline, Self-Control, Temper (at times)
Your Perfect Pizza: Pepperoni, Hawaiian Supreme

Part 3: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: "What time is it now?"
Your bedtime: 12am
Your most missed memory: My childhood , Sec school/college and uni friends I had in my life

Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
McD or Burger King: Both
Single or Group Dates: Hardly go dates. So see how in the future
Adidas or Nike: Nike.
Lipton Tea or Nestea: NesTea.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
Cappucino or Coffee: Cappucino. Don't drink coffee.

Part 5: Do You...
Smoke: Nope. Made a promise as a school runner last time not to smoke.
Curse: Depends. Depends on who overstep the border. But curse is not good.

Part 6: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol: Did take a sip of wine 2 weeks ago. Don't drink at all actually.
Gone to the mall: 1U, Tesco??
Been on stage: Nope
Eaten sushi: Not really sushi, it is those that u can find in Jaya Jusco which cost rm1-rm1.50 each
Dyed your hair: Never (parents think i am budak bermasalah)

Part 7: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game: Never
Changed who you were to fit in: Not really sure about that.

Part 8: Marriage
Age you're hoping to be married:With my pay, i think i will need to wait many years before getting married.

Part 9: In A Guy/Girl
Best Eye Color: Doesn't really matter.
Hair Color: Doesn't really matter.
Short or Long Hair: Long

Part 10: What Were You Doing?
1 minute ago: Typing this tagged thing.
1 hour ago: Eating in kepong and shopping in tesco.
4.5 hours ago: Watching TV
1 month ago: Studying
1 year ago: Studying!

Part 11: Finish The Sentence
I love: kids and people who matter to me most.
I feel: Really sleepy
I hate: my hair getting itch
I hide: What I think ppl dont really understand about me at times.
I miss: things that i really did well last time and also to people who left the earth to be at a better place.
I need: God, my family & friends.

Part 12: Tag 5 People

Saturday, November 25, 2006

True or Untrue

I feel at times when your friend is angry or upset for certain reasons (taken advantage in friendship or other reason), they will kind of shoot u back in a not nice way or even kind of like blame you. I think it is bad to blame others for what is happening to you. Honest I know what it is like being taken advantage by people. Boy it sucks. That is why I was bitter last time and I decided not to really care for people anymore and I even say the same thing which is care for selected people only. Actually well it still stays the same. Some people I don't really bother about anymore. Some people I just drop them a sms once a while just for fun but after a while I just drift away. I guess in the end we cannot be too nice to everybody. There is a limit towards everything that we do. I know as Christians we need to be nice to people but there is a need for Wisdom in doing all things.


As from my previous blog I wrote on how I scare cats and torment them. But this time the house behind is feeding cats and the cats come and meow at around 2,4 and 6am. I am a really light sleeper and when it meow I will wake up. Not only that, the cat is too free and every cat that comes by it will want to fight with the Cat. I really hate 1 cat which has a big head and it is quite furry. I guess it seems like road 22/12 is his or her road and he always fight with other cats. Today when I saw that cat, I wanted to run my car over it but it ran away. Honest one day I will really hantam this cat up the wall once I get my hands on it. At times I wish I had a snipper gun. I want to shoot the cat when they are not looking. Sounds cruel huh? But I don't care. I really hate cats!!!!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Old Notes + Sponsor

I am looking for DUMC OLD NOTES. Which is this year notes. I am starting to create a blog called

SO if you havent thrown away your notes please give me some of it so i can post and hope it can be a blessing to people.


At the same time I am also looking for sponsor for DUMC Street Ministry Christmas Event. If you would like to be a blessing to those street people, can let me know the amount you would like to sponsor. There is no amount being set to how much you can donate, Just donate to what God tells you in your heart

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Waste Of My Time

I guess, even though I change to a new blog still no one read it. At times I wonder why bother continue writing? People tell me it takes time before people read, but it has been like 2 years already that I blog and does people read? I don't think so.

So maybe the best I just change the blog to put church notes better that writing about myself.

Monday, November 20, 2006

My Sister Wedding Part 5

Well people, this is a continual part of my sister's wedding. If you all want to get married next time and you want people to help out, you need to have a list of what is need to be done and you need to communicate with people by giving them briefing or even meeting with the whole team of people you selected to help you.

I had a wedding last Saturday and boy it was quite bad. Everything was not done and overall the wedding sucks and there was a lot of war in the wedding. There was no planning on who was going to do what and there were no instructions at all for the whole thing. The war was cause by an uneducated person. This person always wants people to stand behind her and when ever she gets angry those who are behind her backs will get the scolding. This person kept on scolding my sister and shouting at her and I don't like people to overstep the border.

And to those who wants to get married at a 5 Star Hotel on the way to Sg Besi Highway, please don't go there. The Food sucks, the place sucks and overall it major suck. The aircond was not working and when we complain they told us that they were looking into it when they did nothing. There are a lot more stories to this wedding I attended, but I shall not say too much. If You all are not sure which hotel is it, let me know and I will Tell you all

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Dumc Notes

Actually I feel like creating a website that has DUMC sermon weekly,but I am quite lazy and at times when Pastor Daniel is not there I don't take down notes. But I Will give it a Try

Hello Again

Man It is so hard to get my blog working

Friday, November 17, 2006

Help Help

I am Jason


Hello. Welcome