Monday, May 30, 2011

My NAS Got Problem

I guess my NAS got problem. It is telling me that it will run RAID 1 @ degraded mode. I am not sure why and I am too lazy to find out what is the problem. Maybe I should be more hardworking in finding solution to what the problem is.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Monitor Replacement

I need to get a monitor replacement. So hard without my pc as my mp3 is stored in my pc. But at the same time I don't need to have a rush for it. Life is sometimes so complicating as you don't really know which you really need. So many things need to buy and want to buy, but which is a need and want? I guess if I really want, I want everything :P

Saturday, May 28, 2011

English Class

I was selected to go for English class in my office. It is called Accent Neutralization. I didn't really learn that much from this class as I know that I will not benefit this class at all. The lecturer teaching this class told us not to loose our accent but at the same time the way she ask us to pronounce the words is actually like following others accent. I have to admit at times I am really confuse in the class. Yes I admit that some of my pronouncation is wrong like for example correct is suppose to be pronounce as carrect. But it was a good time to laugh at one another and it was a good time not to be @ my desk for 2 days.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Birthday Calender

A Friend of mine actually send me this picture. Thanks :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Future Super Blur

I have no idea what I should really do. I am not sure if I should resign and find another job. I will really need to pray that a new opening will open the door to me once again. I will go no where if I just sit around doing nothing than doing my own internal work that will be hand over to another person to take over next time. All my effort will be gone to waste. Got to move out soon....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Doing My Work

The other day when I asked Sub HR what is the final number of people in my sub as the numbers that given was not a tally as I had 4 sets of different numbers from 4 different people (Bank HR, Sub HR, Operations and AD), the Sub HR wasn't too happy about it. He even told me he wanted to tear my hair out as I question his numbers. The way he reply the email was like he "fat lan cha". The way he answered me was like "if you think that it is the final number then take it". Even though he apologize to me, I don't care as I will stand to what I know is correct.

Maybe he didn't know that people doing IT Security is really doing their work nicely to make sure that there is no room for people to shoot them or even fault them. To me, when you do your work, you do it your best and do it really nicely even though it takes time. The reason why I say this is so that when we are being audited, the auditors will not have any room to actually gun us down if the numbers are not correct. If they start start don't do their work nicely and only want to achieve their target of 1K people working in their subsidiary to show that they are successful, then I guess they got it all wrong.

My boss is another @ss. After his friend (both of them are from india btw) send me that email, my boss told me we will have a discussion when he gets back (He was in HK at that time). Well after that discussion, my boss told me that we will take the number from HR

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cool Gadget

The other day I was reading thru some website and now I found out that there is like a device, something like a battery that you can use to recharge your cellphone, GPS, those hand held games, IPAD and etc. Man technology is really really changing. But I guess this stuff is now quite a need especially when you have those high tech handphone and you let your 3G, Wifi, Data Plan and etc etc run surely your batter will run out. I know most people wont get a 2nd battery (some might) but if you think even your 2nd backup batter is not enough then get this device. It can work for all types of phones. Nope I don't get anything by telling you all this story :P

Sunday, May 22, 2011


One family (cat's family) decided to deliver their babies in my garden! If most of you know me, I don't like cats at all. I consider them my enemy as I always fight with them. Check out my blog in previous years and you will see that I am terrorize cats!

Anyway I hope that cat will bring its kitten away before I will start my operation wipe them out of my garden. You have been warn cat, don't let the battle begin :P

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What Month Is It?


Take a break, take a kit kat if you want, sit back, ask yourself what month is it now? What have you been doing so far? Take some time to ponder what actually happen from January to May 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Last Gathering With Liz

We had our last gathering with Liz with Lydia in Cheras. I drove all the way there and we kind of got lost but I have to say, by getting lost, I will know how to find Lim Lim next time :P Anyway what did we do?

1. Pickup Daniel from Bangsar
2. Head to Cheras
3. Eat Cili Pan Mee
4. Eat A&W
5. Go Shopping
6. Go back PJ

The amount of time that we were out was really long and it was like from 10am-5pm. But every second of it was worth it. Spending time with Liz, Lydia and Daniel was worth it. It was really fun as we really had good time catching up, laughing and doing so many things together :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Today My Birthday

Yeah today is my birthday and I would like to share with you my birthday cake picture.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

16GB SD Card

My parents went for a holiday the other day and I decided to get them a 16GB SDHC card. Reason why I decided to do that is because I just want to avoid all problems when they get back. Last time in some of their trips, my dad didn't want to take pictures as he is not sure how many pictures they could take. So with 16GB, they could take up to 39** pictures. Not only that, they can go trigger happy and that they don't need to change the SD card at all unless they over shoot 39** pictures. So moral of story, if your parents are not tech savy, buy them the bigger storage. Use don't use don't matter :PJustify Full

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


My parents used my GPS in NZ and thank God it really work and that is really accurate. I really thank God that a team in NZ is actually putting their maps together. If you are heading to NZ, you want to get a free GPS Map (I am using Garmin), head to

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dusty Dusty

We had to move to a new place in my office. I really hate it. Why? SO FREAKING DUSTY! My nose is always itchy when I am there, my eyes turn red and there are sand flies around that floor. Yeah indeed it is quiet but we have to put up with other stuff is not fun man. One of my friend's hand started to bengkak on the 1st day we are transferred there.

They told us they will be making a glass door for us as we are so called doing IT Security and we need to be in a secured area. NONSENSE! We are not doing IT Security job ok! If we are really doing it then yes we need a special room, but we are not.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Yumcha + Worship

Check this out.
During dinner in church after Matt's wedding, my friend asked me, what shall we do now?

Liz : What shall we do now? (Clock shows 815pm+)
JT : Go your house yumcha (Kidding manner)
Liz : OK!
Liz : Yeah
JT : *turn to lim lim*, I wasn't expecting that answer
Lim : *Laugh*
JT : OK we go to your house yumcha

So we were there, drinking tea, catching up and I was having some fun playing Iphone 4 and BB Torch and some of them were eating. After that we decided to go the hall and that is when Liz started to play the piano and I pick up her dad's guitar and we started to have a worship celebration and it was AWESOME. I believe we worship nearly 1hour+ by shooting any songs that went thru our head and it was really good. God was there in our midst (I felt it) and there was no chords to guide me (some I figure out by trying). It is really really good. I left my friends house quite late, but it was worth every hour :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

So Sien Part 4

Let me tell you what I do in office, every week I will need to distribute work to the newbies by asking them to count the amount of email that comes in and go out and do a weekly report that will go into monthly and will go into the yearly report. Man you got to me kidding me! I am doing this type of low ranking clerk job...

Friday, May 13, 2011

So Sien Part 3

Now it seems not only I am complaining about the task that is given to us, but my friends or most of the team is starting to feel stupid doing the work that is assigned to us. I will give an example of what my friend do.

A file is send to them and there is an error in the file, they will have to go thru the whole file to actually find out what is the error. Mind you, the file is not 1 or 2 lines but can be as many as 5k-7k lines long. Some of the errors are freaking stupid as they forget to put " ", too many characters and etc. This is the type of work that my side is doing. Mind you again, we are suppose to be doing IT Security and not to check which file has an error.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hospital Visitation

I was in GH on the 7th for office event. It is something like a team building event to cheer up the kids there. I have to say it was a hot day that day. But I really thank God that a lady who was cleaning / sweeping the dead leaves actually told me where to park for free and the best was it was under a BIG TREE. I manage to get to GH using my trusty GPS as it was my 1st time driving to GH on my ownself.

To cut the whole long story short, it is really sad to see the kids in that type of sickness. There was many kids with the needle inside their hand, there was 1 with 3-5 piece of metal into his leg and some on wheel chair. But you know what? Some of them are still so alive! But it really broke my heart to see what has happen to them. I decided to drop them a prayer for all of them and I even teared.

You know, most of us are really well and that we can work and earn a living, but check those kids out and you will know that you are all really really blessed.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Matt's Wedding

Matt's wedding was awesome. I have to say that it was great from the start till the end. Everyone dress up really well, the event went so well and boy it was really really great. I have never seen a modified version of a wedding before and this is the 1!

The hall was well decorated, and this is how it went.

  1. Page Boy walk in with brides maid (but some brides maid nv smile wan)
  2. Matt gives speech
  3. Matt plays a song that he wrote for a walk in song!
  4. Curtain rise up when he was playing it and the full band was behind with choir
  5. Worship
  6. Pr Vic sharing
  7. Sign
  8. Walk out and in

After that it was dinner and dinner was to me really good. We had so many dishes!
  1. Raisin rice
  2. Fried bee hun
  3. Something like spaghetti with tomato sauce
  4. Sotong
  5. Chicken
  6. Mutton
  7. Vege
  8. Kuih
  9. Soya Bean
  10. Fruit Salad

And the best part is while eating, it decided to rain and boy did it cool down the weather a lot :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Skyline + Ferari

The other day when I went to KL Sentral to take my friend's friend, a new Ferrari was beside my car and it was really hot and shinning. Don't ask me what kind of Ferrari is that as I have no idea at all. Then when I was driving nearer to Tropicana City (heading to NKVE), I heard a loud vrom sound and I knew it was a Skyline and there a red Skyline over took me. Wow such a great day to see 2 such nice cars on the road :)

Monday, May 09, 2011

So Sien Part 2

I am starting to get fedup with what I am really doing in my office. I have no idea why do I do nothing and yet they keep on talking about their project which is nothing to shout about as they are doing only in this place. I am not really sure what my future is and I shall wait and see what I should do.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Birthday



Saturday, May 07, 2011


I am really confused now. I wish I can have a Black Berry Torch and Sony Ericsson Arc. Both phones are nice and really cool. I played with my friend's BB Torch the other day and it is really nice. My friend bought it 2nd hand for 1.2k and new it is about 1.6k. SE Arc is 2k new which is painful to pay from my wallet. I wish I can wait a little more longer before I will get my new handphone. What I want from my new handphone is that it can have wifi so that I can play Internet when I am away from home but connecting to any routers that is around. I know that I wanted SE Aino, but after thinking that it is not fully touch screen, I really have to think about what handphone that I should get :(

Friday, May 06, 2011


Smallville is going to end really soon. So sad. There will be at least another 2 or 3 more episodes before it ends. I am really wondering if Superman will fly by the end of the season. So just wait and watch smallville as it is going to end.

Thursday, May 05, 2011


Now I am starting to watch Nikita. Quite nice show as there is so many kicking of @ss and other action all around the way. There are a lot of shooting here and there too. Maggie Q is the lead actress with many others actors and actress. For more information of Nikita, click here

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Stalker Scolds Me :(

The other day when some fella didn't do their work and I had to step in, I had no choice but to call stalker as stalker has a lot of information. Check it out.

JT : I need a bit of help can
Stalker : Ok
JT : Explains
Stalker : Oh so when you need help then u call me la!

Ouch that hurts!! hahaha

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Being Stalk Part 3

Remember I talk about stalker and that she likes me? Well the next day she told me other stuff that she like this guy and etc etc and it looks so fake on her. I mean if you already kantoi why bother want to try to tell people other wise? People wont believe you. I guess for this 18 year old kid, she needs to learn a lot more stuff outside.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Replacement Holiday

Happy Holiday to ALL!!



Sunday, May 01, 2011


Want to Say Congrats to Matt Ho who is getting married