Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Doing My Work

The other day when I asked Sub HR what is the final number of people in my sub as the numbers that given was not a tally as I had 4 sets of different numbers from 4 different people (Bank HR, Sub HR, Operations and AD), the Sub HR wasn't too happy about it. He even told me he wanted to tear my hair out as I question his numbers. The way he reply the email was like he "fat lan cha". The way he answered me was like "if you think that it is the final number then take it". Even though he apologize to me, I don't care as I will stand to what I know is correct.

Maybe he didn't know that people doing IT Security is really doing their work nicely to make sure that there is no room for people to shoot them or even fault them. To me, when you do your work, you do it your best and do it really nicely even though it takes time. The reason why I say this is so that when we are being audited, the auditors will not have any room to actually gun us down if the numbers are not correct. If they start start don't do their work nicely and only want to achieve their target of 1K people working in their subsidiary to show that they are successful, then I guess they got it all wrong.

My boss is another @ss. After his friend (both of them are from india btw) send me that email, my boss told me we will have a discussion when he gets back (He was in HK at that time). Well after that discussion, my boss told me that we will take the number from HR


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