Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Bought

I finally had to get a 3-1 charger which is USB, Electric and Car charger for my hp. Cost me rm19. Had no choice to buy that day as my battery was running out that day so I went to digital mall and get it. Lucky it really work. haha. If don't work then got problem already as my charger I always leave in office. Maybe ONE DAY, I will get another handphone. But that won't be so soon I guess.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A lot of my office mates share the same thought. My Team Leader does not have leadership. Why? Coz he loves to talk a lot, and try to show off but don't know how to get the job done. He don't know how to create ID on AD and when I tell him, he don't want to listen, he don't know Excel and when my friend explain to him, he don't want to listen. Then he wants to know what everyone does but we don't know what he does. Not bad rite?

To me, if I don't know anything, I will listen, take notes and even ask questions during that time or maybe later when the question comes out later. How la to become leader like that? Like my friends say, he cannot be leader coz he came from a suck company.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


One thing I hate is when people think they are highly good and the way they write email to you like one kind. So what if they are senior? I also senior. They might know their apps which to me is nonsense but I might know things they don't know too. So why be so arrogant? Brings you no where.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Kidding Me

Today before I went back :

S : Last Question before you go
JT : *Answer his query* M, why you nv help S?
M : Now helping. This ID Creation is real 1 or not?
JT : Nope fake! *So dong dong question*

Sunday, March 27, 2011

24 S7

I finally watch finish 24 S7. Man it is really nice. Took me a couple of weeks to watch it as at times I am not free. Then when you watch it, must watch it back to back. If you half way cut not happening already. Maybe I need to get other seasons to watch :P

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Nonsense Story

On Saturday I was ushering. Man really a lot of people. Then I forgot when on walkie, u must tell your name before talking. Haha. Anyway after worship then I went to sit with my friend. But my friend bully me during sermon while I did the same to my friend, but I use when Pr talk, then I say Pr is talking about u. Then my friend wrote on my paper *bully*

Friday, March 25, 2011

1 Month

It has been 1 month I left SL. How does it feel?


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another CG

I decided that today I will go for another cg that I visited during IPM. I decide to join the group for dinner and I had to say it was quite fun as even though I am not from that CG, I feel very comfy with them. Really and Honest. I guess it is because the frequency is the same. This group is really nice. But there is this person in the cg like to bully me. Shocking but true. Who is this person? Stay tune!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

English Teacher

I think I should be an English Teacher. Why? Every time I check people work that they do. Some I have to admit its horrendously great. Sometimes I read till I don't get what they are saying. Worst is they copy paste from some where.

Correcting is tough work. Really. But at least I got work to do :P

Monday, March 21, 2011

Quite Shocked

Today, my boss send my friend and I an email and cc the BIG BOSS of our team to congratulate us on what we have done so far. I have to say in 3 weeks we are done quite a lot even though there are many changes but we are up to it (my friend kau kau powerful!). Even the big boss and another person send their congrats to us too.

I have to admit. I NEVER EVER IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE got an email from boss to say well done. Ask yourself if you ever had. Maybe I had, but this maybe brought impact to me. I guess I will still do my best assisting my friend even though she has a newbie under her but she don't trust him to do this kind of job :P

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I have to admit, I like my new job as I can go home sharp on time but the sad part is I go office with nothing to do everyday. Really. So I can be a tuition teacher to check on my friends writing everyday. There is still no specific task for me yet, so I am assisting my friend and reading other stuffs. I am more worried that my brains will slow down once I don't use it often :(

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Intro Me Gals Part 5

Anyway to recap back on Part 3, the cg leader has already emailed me more information that I honestly feel very uncomfy about. The IPM team that went to their house went there with no strings attached with nothing more to share about their experiences. There were 3 of us who went, which is the leader (my mum fren, a lady), TK and me.

But when the leader wrote the email to me, he actually compared both me and TK which IMHO wrong. We were not there to find gf or wife but to share about our experience in prayer and how God meet our needs.

I will leak out some information from the email :

First criteria: Loves God deeply. I think you showed this by your testimony. Or else you probably don't qualify.

Second: Personality. TK loves God too but the personality is probably not a match ;-)

When I read this email, I was like who are you to tell me this that? It's really not fair. And why are you trying to push that girl to me? My theory is this, no matter who (girl or guy) sure they will love God. Anyway after going to that cg, I feel weird and I feel it is wrong.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Restore Files

I finally found 1 software that can restore back my files that I lost. But most of the files were corrupted but those that I truly need that I don't have any copy I manage to get it back. But guess what? Some of the files are corrupted la. Some of it like my Smallville was ok. Aih. But at least I got the listing of the files that I lost. So I will slowly search for the files once again.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Intro Me Gals Part 4

The other day when I was in office, check out as below :

Zoe : How old are u?
JT : 2*
Zoe : Come I intro you to my friend. Very pretty wan (she went on and on)
JT : Apa la..

Darn. People are really worried. Watch for the next sequel. haha

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Guitar Pick's

Since most of my guitar pic's went walking to don't know where, I had to replace them by buying like 11 new picks that cost me rm18! But at least now I will hide all my picks man. Cannot put a 1 common place already. Bought so many. Anyway will take a picture to show my pics :P

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Work Life Balance

In my 1st and 2nd company, I NEVER understood the meaning of work life balance. After moving to this new company, I really understand it and now I understand it and it really feels good. Last time when before audit I need to work OT on weekdays and if things goes out of hands then there goes my Sat and Sunday. But now when I come back from work I can play my guitar hang around and do what I want. Now I really understand the word


Monday, March 14, 2011

I Can't Call

You know if lets say you have a boss. You call him like Mr Tan. But my boss he ask me to call him by his name without the Mr as he say it make him sound old. But I can't. So I call him boss,and he tell me to call him by his name. The thing is I am brought up differently. I call ppl older, uncle, aunty and etc etc.

Even my office friend I believe older than me call my boss direct by his name (exp Tan) in emails. I might be a guy, but I don't have so much guts. How la?


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Streamyx Upgrade

The other day, well I cut the whole story short.

JT : Macam ini la, saya bayar rm66 u bagi saya 5mb, saya terus ambil
Caller : Tak boleh encik.
JT : Then tak apa la.

Haha. What for upgrade and pay so much more when I don't really even download. I guess even u can fork out lets say extra RM** (it depends on ur current package), you will still have to do the math and also to see if you really need to have that fast Internet. Now everything is $ and everything is so much more expensive. Sad but true. Just check out the Cable TV bill + Elec bill + Internet bill + HP bill + CC bill + loans pay back + etc (list goes on) and end of the day ask yourself do you have savings?

Ask yourself 2 questions as below

Is it a need?


Is it a want?

Stupid Car

The other day when I was driving and I already stop at a junction, suddenly this women driving a Merc's turn and came heading towards my direction. I horn her and then I lost it and I point middle finger at her as I could have been injured in that accident.

Before that there was another women was infront of me, the guards as her to stop as there is a car coming her way, she still want to go and she was on the hp.

I was piss off and my mum say I was bias towards gender. I didn't really bother. I mean if you can drive like this means no words can describe your driving.




Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Team

I started my new job last week and I have to say even working with some of them for 2 weeks, I truly have great respect for them. 1 of my team mate who is younger than me has the same type of posting which is Senior IT Sec Analyst has CISA and CISSP. She really knows her work really well as she came from audit background. My hat is really off for her. I guess I will be stuck with her as she was doing audit while I was doing compliance. Even working 2 weeks with her, her work is super efficient and at times I tell her to slow down (yup she is that fast). But I have to admit, working with the same kind as you is always better as work quality is there.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Oh Boy

I just found out why I am hired in my new company. To fix their 10 year outstanding audit with my friends. Don't ask me how they manage to run away from audit as I will not have any answer for you all. But I will give it my best shot with my friend to fix their audit or try to lower down the risk as possible.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Intro Me Gals Part 3

I went for another cg visitation and this time they wanted to intro me to girls. Not only that, at the end of cg, they interview me. It seems not only my parents are worried, but it seems other cg also starting to worry for their girl friends.

What they told me is that I am normal which I reply them Thank God and they laugh. They told me some of the guys that came to their cg is a little weird so hence they were kick out from their cg :P So they were trying to get information from me but they way I answer made them think like wise. Anyway the cg leader of that cg did drop me a mail. Let's see how it goes now :P

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Feel Want To Buy Guitar

I feel like getting a 2nd hand Farida D 52. It is about RM1800 and it is always my dream to get my hands on a Farida guitar and maybe in the month of May I will get the Farida guitar as my own birthday prezzie. Haha. I will do the same like what I did last time which is when my parents is not around, I will go get the guitar :P

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Finally after my mum took my GPS to be used in Singapore, she said it was a good investment. Finally after so many months I kena m16 for free as they tot my GPS is crap, it finally made them realize it is good and worth while stuff to buy. Where ever they went it was kau kau accurate in Singapore and my uncle was truly impress!

Monday, March 07, 2011

Intro Me Gals Part 2

The other day in my sister party :

JT : Thanks for coming.
Guy : Thank you. You r'ber a girl wearing (unsure what he say)?
JT : *Looks at him blank* Sorry bro, seen too many humans so cant click.
Guy : It's ok. But we want to intro you to her. She is single.
JT : Thank you!
Guy : *He was shocked with my answer and he just laugh*

Man everyone is worried man! I don't know why. Really I don't. Can someone explain to me why please???

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Intro Me Gals?

The other day during my previous company annual dinner, this person keep on wanting to intro me to this new programmer girl (if you want to know who ask me). But I didn't really see her in office before as she hardly comes to my side. I just brush it aside. Check the rough conversation with my friend.

JT : Why?
YC : Coz you are single.
JT : I am ok
YC : Never mind go and try. Pretty mar.
JT : Oh ok.

Anyway from what I heard which is latest, 2 guys from my previous company is fighting for her. Man she is hot cake :P

Saturday, March 05, 2011


The other day when I went to get something from Petronas, I saw a Skyline R33. But the best thing it was a women driver! Wahlah LOL

Friday, March 04, 2011

Different Job Task

I am now in my new job and the 1st day was boring, but I thank God the time flew a little faster with calls from my previous place so that I could support them. But it is my bad too as I didn't really do other documents that I knew I need to do. Even on the last 2/3 days in my previous place, I was working like mad boy to make sure that everything is up to date. But I still failed. I only manage to do some of the stuff's up to date.

Anyway my new boss started to give us work on Tuesday to do and till Friday we keep on changing the Objectives of our task. But my friend (Zoe) is very experience as she has CISSP and she know's her stuff while I do compliance I too know my stuff. So we do make a good team together. Our boss even hinted on our KPI on one of the meeting.

Out of 8 people in the team, only 2 are busy while the rest they are not so busy. Maybe we are under paid now :P

Thursday, March 03, 2011

1st Day

1st day was really boring. Really bored. The pace here now really slowed down till the max. In SL it is always busy busy busy doing things from systems, login in, attend meetings, doing paperwork and many more. Wonder if my cards were played nicely. I guess I have to wait and see how it goes. Not going to give up now yet.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


The other day when I was having some talk with my new office mates. Check it out as below :

Friend: Are you married
JT : Nope.
Friend : Why not?
JT : *how do you answer this type of question?*

JT : I took their cc.
Friend : They force you is it?
JT : Not really, I don't have a cc.
Friend : What you don't have a cc? I cannot believe it.
JT : *well believe it..haha*

Tuesday, March 01, 2011


I always talk about my printer too, so well here goes the pictures. I have to say that if you are a student this will be one of the best printers to get especially if you are at home use or even sharing with your friends. You can practically do everything on it from Scan, photocopy, print and fax. The front slot that you can see with plastic allow you to slot in SD Card or other cards for printing / saving of documents from Scanner. Ink will not smudge when you pour water on it. Blank Ink is rm24 (about 240 pages) and RM50 (about 900 pages) and I think it is total affordable. But the 1st time price to pay might be high. You can get it @ 785 till 899. Oh yeah best part is you can connect using WIFI. More information here