Monday, February 28, 2011

New Job

I am starting my new job today. Man. But today will be induction training. So let's see how it goes.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I left SL

I left SL on 25th Feb 2011. Been there like nearly 3 years and I believe it is finally time to move on. I don't really like to do the maintenance job that I am doing. It does not bring me anywhere anymore. Most of the time when I do my audit(s), I am quite confident as most of the things are there till Suck70 made me think otherwise. Anyway after Suck70, we are more complete, but the amount of print out need to be done is really madness.

2 days before I left SL, I was still working really hard to get some of the docs up to date so that my friends will not suffer for what I have not done. I know I could have been more hardworking earlier but I didn't. I know there are a lot more stuff that I didn't do so I'm here to say sorry. Even though I tried my best to do everything, time wasn't really on my side.

But in nearly 3 years there, I manage to learn a lot from systems till audits till undergoing all the sufferings (one of it is working 28hrs on 7th of Feb 2011). I really peak when I was in SL. I guess when I was in Aeon I peak in technical and when I was in SL, I kind of peak in my doc's. So I can say I can do both and I can sway easily to both tech or writing stuff. Thanks SL for giving me such a training (even though I didn't attend any).


Always been talking about NAS, well here is my NAS pictures. Its the kerbau brand. I have to admit its not that fast but its quite ok. It will be faster if you have a G network.




- LinkStation powered by 1.6GHz CPU delivers 72MB/s! 1.8X faster than USB hard drive
- 1,000 photos are copied in 35 seconds, 20% acceleration by Buffalo's original acceleration software, TurboPC and TurboCopy

Access files on LinkStation remotely
- WebAccess lets you access files on LinkStation from anywhere in the world!
- From iPhone, enjoy photo slideshow and video streaming play with dedicate application, WebAccess i

Media Server
- Enjoy your photo/video/music collections with DLNA and UPnP AV compatible media devices, and iTunes!

High Reliability
- Supports RAID in 0, 1 and normal modes
- Easy tool free hard drive replacement

- Back up all important data on PC with NovaBACKUP!
- Time Machine is supported for backup of Mac

Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Bag

I bought this bag about 5 - 6 years ago in Singapore for a very cheap price. After conversion to M'sia it is about RM24. I like this bag because it is really big and that even if you store your laptop inside it, you still got place to put your other stuff. This brand when I saw it in Jusco, man the pricing is madness. So I guess at times you need to get your stuff somewhere else.

Friday, February 25, 2011

My Last Day

Today is my last day. Yey. But I guess it is mixed feelings. It is a normal thing to go thru as you will be leaving behind great friends and over at the new side, you will need to make new friends and redo everything again.

I am starting work again on the 28th. Too fast. No rest. Not good.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Visiting Other Cell

There will be more CG Visitation now. Yey. Can't wait to go and visit other CG's. Got 1 on the 9th and 16th of March 2011. Now must start to prepare again nicely as last time I wrote on a piece of paper. Must do nicely to improve.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Double PC

Since the other day my company receive 2 new PC's, I decided to fully utilize it before I resign. I had to use it because I had to do my documents and at the same time use my other pc for my emails and other stuff that I need to do. With 2 pc's for my use, my work is really faster now as I just switch the keyboards and I can go anywhere and ever where that I want.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Most Expensive

The other day when having lunch :

Ian : I went to pelita to have Maggie Goreng
JT : Ok
Ian : You know how much?
JT : You eat single or double?
Ian : Double
JT : Double should be rm5
Ian : Nope I paid rm7!

Wow. Super rip off man. How can maggie goreng cost so much? With rm7 you can have a good meal with quite an ok drink. I guess after the increase of petrol, everything is going up and there is nothing we can do to stop it from going up unless...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Work For Money?

The other day in my cg, my leader ask who work for money and I put up my hand. The rest of my cg members didn't put up their hand. I was wondering if I am that evil boy (could be). But I don't believe if you say you don't work for money. Example, if now you are earning 1k, and you surely want more right? Things are getting more expensive.

I am wondering if lets say I start work, I am not that, good, yeah I should be paid 1k, but after a while with experience behind my back, I don't wish still to be paid 1k. I want to move on (change job, get promotion) and be able to earn more and become better in what I do.

So to those who say you don't work for money, I would really love to hear from your comments.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I finally got my Network Access Storage (NAS). But the when I bought my NAS, I didn't know that it is just the unit without any hard disk inside the thing. Anyway the damage that it did to my pocket is RM625. My configuration of my NAS is 2x500GB, but since I did RAID 1, it is back to 500GB. But honestly, 500GB is more than enough. I don't have that much DATA. But one day once my data grow, I might up it till 2TB (after raid 1). Even though it is not that fast if compared to Sysnology, but I am not complaining. I just need a storage to keep my data only mar.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Guys if you want to get A Network Attached Storage (NAS) and want to know how to buy a NAS, please read Here

Friday, February 18, 2011


I started work on the 7th and guess what happen? AS400 board got fried! Yeah so I have to work overnight thanks to some dong dong engineer that cut off the power supply to our servers, network equipment and even to my pc.

It was tough and rough. I had to work 26 hours and I had 2 hours of sleep. But I had to work till 1pm and it was really tiring. Anyway I don't think my body can last that long hours. Last time working 16 hours is not a problem, but the other day when I had to work 16 hours, I was burn to the max. Signs of getting OLD!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Now Only I Am Important?

I just wonder if I am that important in my office. If I am why is everyone panicking when I am about to leave? My boss is 1 person especially. I guess if he really did hire someone about 2 and half years ago, this would not happen. Now when I want to leave, he is still trying to ask me if I really want to leave and if I am not happy that I am still welcome back to SL. Nah. Even life might be hard in my new company, I will still fight on and do my very best.

The other day only my boss admit that me / my work is important as it bring them thru all audits. Is it now a little too late to realize that? I have been doing this all this while and I really put my ass many times on the line for the company (working overnites, OT for audits and etc) and yet we are not appreciated. So why bother lor? Go lor

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I was asked to go and share in 1 CG on the 9th of Feb. This CG wanted to grow in prayer and I was invited to share by one of the aunty in church to go and visit them with a group of IPM to spice their life up. The CG is in DP, and there are only 4 members, but only 3 turn up that day and the thing that shocked me is they try to start by 8pm!

Anyway it was really nice to be there and to share what actually God had done for me in the last 3 months. As all of our experience and stories were different, I hope that the team manage to inspire them to pray even more :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011




Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

To All (can be single, courting, married and etc),


Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Opinion

In my opinion, Cats (not kuching, or the animal) sucks. They are really screwed up. I think the way they treat people are like crap. I am thankful that last time 1 of my friend did ask my opinion about them. Anyway I am not sure why they think about themself so highly when even taking Holy Communion (HC). They say only them can eat even though you are not a Cat, but you can't eat their HC. Not only that, they can even contradict them self. Just when they say you cannot marry a non Christian in their church, guess what happen? Winston (real name) married his wife who is a from another religion there and even could lit the unity candle..hmm..

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Just Chilling

During CNY, I did nothing much. Just watch a lot of shows that I haven't got a chance to watch in 2010. Among the shows I watch are :

  1. Princess & The Frog
  2. Tangled
  3. Karate Kid
  4. Salt
  5. 24 S 8
But all those shows are nice. Tangled was one of the best.

Friday, February 11, 2011

It's Not Funny

The other day during reunion dinner, suddenly some screwed up person told me this.

"You should pray for a girl friend this year"

This person after that laugh and I turn and glared at him while he was shot down by my mum and my sis. Really turn me off. I could have blasted his ass but I didn't. Don't want to waste my time blasting him.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cannot Pakai

There is this help desk guy in my office who is a really bugger. What do I mean by bugger? Everyday he drops me email telling me that which logs I haven't look into. And guess what? Sometimes its not my fault but those customer never do the right thing thanks to this help desk people. He know's our PnP yet he still wants to make things simple for the customer at our expense. If we are caught for not following, who will kena? We la, not him mar.

This is the guy who is so freaking irritating who calls my extension when wants to talk to my friend and calls my friends' extension when he wants to talk to me. I have told him before and yet he is this dumb. Anyway it don't matter to me as he always kena shoot by different people.haha

Wednesday, February 09, 2011


I was thinking after quite a couple of my friends keep on sending me PM on msn / ym for help, I was wondering if I should do some part time and charge them as their company want's to do a project yet they don't have the knowledge to do it. I think it is nothing got to do with kedukut ilmu as everything is on the Internet and can be done thru research but as usual we as humans we want things to be done fast and the shortest way as possible. But now the thing is, if I do help my friends, will their company pay me?

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Key Chain

I got this key chain from my friend. I decided to attach it to my bible bag as my sticker came off from the the bag. Thanks to Liz Hie who got me this key chain from aussie. She say this picture suit me because I am nottie and the boy in the picture looks nottie too.

Monday, February 07, 2011

I Wrote...

The other day I wrote about Truth Please on 29th January and I wrote a part that when telling the truth it sucks. I admit. It hit me when the truth of my friend that pass away really hit. I wanted not to believe it, but when I was in Klang with my Klang Boss (you know who you are) and we park about 30meters away, we saw a house with a canopy.

When I reach in front of the house. It was my friends picture that I saw. At that moment I felt it sucks. I have to overcome reality that my friend has pass away. It really sucks. We were then asked to go for a final round of respect which I did with my klang boss and it was really sad.

My final words, truth is good, truth REALLY HURTS.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Sandy Bridge CPU

There is a new CPU from Intel and it is called Sandy Bridge. Read on the URL for more understanding of this CPU and what that it can really do. If you get a i7 2600K which is a default of 3.4GHZ, you can overclock it till 4.4GHZ without using any other extra ordinary cooling. I really don't know how they do it but yeah they can do it. Anyway the latest is on 1155 and you need a new board if you want to run this CPU.

But guess what? Those of you who wants to buy I7, better you hold your horses. Why I say that? Please read here

Saturday, February 05, 2011


The other day, I receive email from Job Street regarding IT Security Senior position (4-5 years experience) and do you know what is the pay? IT IS ALOT! They are paying from 6-7.5k. Madness. I wish I was there, but I won't be so greedy.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Beautiful Weather

I love the weather in the month of December and January. It is so cooling and cold. At times at night I sleep with fan speed of number 1 and I cover myself and I still feel so cold! Really blessed with such great weather. I wish that weather can be like this most of the time or the sun can be there, but not humid and that will be truly great :)

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Blessed Chinese New Year



Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Weird Theory

My boss has a weird theory. He mention that when the newbie comes in, he cannot do production. I am wondering, if that guy don't do production, what is he going to do? Development only? If not like that don't hire. I really don't get it. My boss works me and my friend out. When I am out, who is going to help my friend do the AS400? I guess everyone needs to be given a change to learn and to proof himself.

If they don't learn, how can they stand on their own feet when the experience people are out of there? I know for some of the systems there is support, but what happen about the other systems? Have you every thought about that? When I join this company, I had only like 1 year 4 months experience? Then why am I doing production? Better I do development only.

Really weird, really don't understand.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

I Am Out Soon

I am out of SL SOON! Count down TIME!