Thursday, October 28, 2010

Got Food, Be Happy & Thankful

The other day we had lunch due to our participation in our DR Project which was sign off by the customer. It was kind of celebration lunch as the programmers on my side are always greedy. We had a lot to eat. The best part is that we had ABC and check out this conversation (I was sitting far away)

Lionel : Eric, ABC don't have icecream meh?
JT : Go buy yourself la. Why so greedy?
Eric : Don't have
Lionel : Then use the budge to go and buy la.

Honest, the team head which is Lionel is one of the most blardy cheapo guy at my side. When there is food the way they eat is like 100 years never eat. Really. I have no idea why. Maybe it is because they get to save a little. I still remember once when they bring back Hari Raya Food, they invited us over and they actually left us with left overs which is kind of disgusting. Anyway bottom line is if there is food or any other type of blessing, just be thankful as we get to eat for free and not ask so much.


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