Monday, May 31, 2010

Tough 2 Weeks

After I got back from my holiday. It was really quite tough for me everyday. I was doing OT everyday. This week itself I will be doing a migration after office hour which is at 7pm till unsure what time. I guess after resting so well, I have to really work hard to pay back. Doing IT is not easy, but it really depends if you really like your job and that you are willing to learn and sacrifice your time to become better.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

One Day

One day when I was working, a programmer :

YC : Teo can I have your HP number pls?
JT : Why la?
YC : So that on your BD I can call and wish you.
JT : Dowan la :P
YC : Oklor, then I wish you now lor.

The reason I don't want to give is because after they call me during my holidays and I don't really like passing my hp number to programmers. Buat kacau sahaja :P

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Holiday

Today is HOLIDAY.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Price Difference

The other day when my cousin from Singapore was here, we were talking about the internet speed and also price that we pay. In Singapore they pay about $30 for 6MB line and there is no restriction on download. If you don't convert, they are much cheaper for a better and faster service.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My 1 Week

I took 1 week off and it started from the 14th May onwards till 23rd May. Life was really good during the holiday session.
Started off with Western Food on the 15th after church. I ate Mixed Grill, had a drink and garlic bread. It was so filling!
I was in Awana from the 16th till 18th. The highlight of the trip was eating in Bukit Tinggi in a shop called 126. If lets say you are from selesa Hill, just turn right and you will see the big shop called 126. I think it is really worth eating and food is good there too. Anyway another highlight was buying cakes and pizzas @ rm2.85 or 3.85. During my stay there, I manage to eat Tuna Pizza, Turkey Ham, Cheese Cake, Banana Chocolate, Strawberry Cheese, and many other cakes.
Wed I had lunch in Manhattan Fish. But my friend was right, the food is soaked in oil. So too me it was my 1st and last visit to this place. It was more of a rest day for me. I had to go CG as I was doing worship on that day. Thanks again to those who wish me on that day :)
Thursday was also another rest day. Was really lazy.
Friday was a movie marathon day for me. Watched Iron Man and Robin Hood back to back. I wanted to do 3 movies which included Shrek, but I didnt dare do it as I was more worried after go home kena tembak lor :P
Saturday I was in Melaka the whole day. Ate 5 rounds. Ate cendol, durian cendol, nyonya food, ikan bakar. I was in Seremban 1st to eat breakfast which is the beef noodles too.
Sunday was in church and the story that the guy shared was really intresting. It was really good :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Spoil Your Self Once A While

You know at times you work so hard, sometimes nearly till you wan to die already? What I want to say is it is ok for once a while that we spoil ourself because we work so hard and its ok to let down our hair by spending on our self or family on food or etc to make your self happy. So it's ok to go out and spend once a while on food, movies or other stuff that you like to do :) Like they say, have a break, but its up to you if you want to have your kit kat :P

Monday, May 24, 2010

One Of My Favourite Song

This is one of my current favorite now. Its taken from Trueworshippers "God Is Our Victory".


Hosanna in the highest
Let our King be lifted up

Extremely easy to play, yet such a great song :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Its Ok If You Don't Know

I have an office mate, when he is wrong or he is not sure he still insist that is the answer which if it back fires will look dumb on you. One example :

JT : M'sia playing Jap in Thomas Cup today
Fren : Nolar it is tmr.
JT : What tmr la, today la, now playing last singles la.
Fren : Cannot be
JT : You check out ur neighbor screen (live score)

I don't think people will shoot you down when you are unsure about anything. Even if lets say you don't know what is 1+1 at the age of 2, I bet your parents wont scold you either right?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thanks For The Wishes

TO all my friends who wish me Happy Birthday, Thanks!! Anyway wishes came from

  1. Facebook (The Most)
  2. SMS

And it was great way to communicate with people once again :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Trainee Report

The other day the trainee asked Mr Ng to read their report and me as usual being a busy body wanted to read it too. So I was the 1st to read it and I really laugh. Reasons are as below

  1. English is bad,
  2. Grammar practically wrong
  3. The way they write the report is like writing blog story
  4. No format (1st page got, the rest none)
  5. Simply do
  6. Whole report on what is what is all wrong.

The best part is they ask Mr Ng TO SIGN!! haha

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nothing To Shout About

The other day the programmers manage to make the EOD faster and they were so freaking proud of it and when ever they came into my office they were bragging about it. Man when they brag about it, we just shot them down as the application was done by them and after 2 years only they found out a way to fix it. But if it is us to tell them how to fix it, it will be major embarrassing. But I don't know why they are so happy and always bragging. Anyway they told the MD about it and MD was so happy with their performance. Honest nothing to be happy about. Because of you dumb programmers, you make our operators suffer

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

Today I am older.

Happy Birthday To Me,
Happy Birthday To Me,
Happy Birthday To Me,
Happy Birthday To Me

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Question

Was thrown a question while having dinner that day

Uncle Po : So JT, do you have a gf yet?
JT : Nope
Mum : He don't mix sure no gf la
Uncle Po : Why don't mix?
JT : *a question I can't answer*

Actually at that moment I felt like telling him I don't feel like getting married. Getting married is not easy. But I am not worried. Not even bothered...And No I am Not GAY..

Monday, May 17, 2010


I am on leave today. So its YEY! Just to add more salt, I am on leave for 1 week!!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Easy Work Cannot Do

The other day a simple task was pass on to the trainee to do it. It was changing the computer's IP Address. I will give example of the IP below


IP -
SM -
GW -

To Change too

IP -
SM -
GW -

Simple task right? But guess what? When the trainee went there and change the IP, even simple task they cannot even do. They messed up even the most simple job. They even wrote down the things to change on a piece of paper. This is what they did


IP - or
SM -
GW - or

Since I know even the most simple task which was handed over to them they cannot do, I went there to do the task too. In the end I had to fix their mistakes. When coming back this is what my office mate say to me :

Friends : Eh you become programmer?
JT : No lar, have to fix the IP Address coz either the IP wrong of the gateway is wrong.

Actually 1 of my friend said that even though they are there or not there, it doesn't make any difference as they don't know anything and they only love to check out girls picture in facebook.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


The other day I receive an article from my university. In the write out this guy said this :

"Prof. Chuah also advised students to develop positive work attitude in securing theirs jobs"


"They should also be aware of other important criteria for selection such as leadership abilities, teamwork and communication skills"

When reading this, it just reminds me about the trainee that is currently at our side which have nothing of the above. But they have 1 type of skill which is to play facebook. I guess facebook is their major in their education.

Friday, May 14, 2010

SL Programmers Are Dumb Part 3

This are there words that SL programmer like to use.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

SL Programmers Are Dumb Part 2

Hi Guys,

Just an update to show how dumb SL are. The send an email to the customer. Check it out below. They actually send to the customer this email :

"Please be informed that the HSM has no response on 5/5/2010 @4.30pm, hence, the Pin Mailer is failed to be printed in UATx environment. I have tried to down the job from other environment and just left 3 jobs on the connection, but still failed.

Eventhough we able to establish the connection with HSM (Job is up), deduce the number of connection, refresh the job and successfully ping to HSM, still no response. There is similar problem on last week, and get response after restart HSM machine.

Kindly advice and comment. Thanks a lot.

Aside to ,
I will try to print the pin mailer again on 6/5/2010 morning. Thanks."

AS they didn't do their work, this is what the customer ask them back :

Referring to your notification of the problem of HSM resulting failure on PIN Printing on 05/05/2010, what about today? Have you complete yet?

See how dumb programmers are? Send mail then kena question if the work is done when they didn't do it...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

SL Programmers Are Dumb

The other day when we had some problems, this is what 1 of the programmers wrote to me. He actually knew that last time how was our connectivity. It shows how stupid SL programmers are. Check out the mail.

"Is this issue caused by the bad network connectivity? Currently, the AS400 Server is moved CyberJaya, but the HSM is still at Data Center(Wisma Kemajuan). So that, it mightbe affected by the slow connection or timeout when establish the connection, or disconnected even the connection is established. For the networking design, the HSM Machine should be located near with the AS400 Server, right?

Correct me if i were wrong, thanks a lot."

The other time when we connected the system directly (side by side), it too had problems. It shows that programmers never use their brains to think. I mean WHEN I SAW THIS EMAIL, I was so sure that their brains are in their @ss. I know I sound a bit rude but I don't care. If you are not sure of anything and you send this type of email, don't you think are stupid?

Anyway back to the topic, 1 day it cannot work then guess what? The next day it work? Must be you fix the damm program you stupid programmers. It is nothing wrong with hardware connectivity. Shame on you Lionel and Au Yueh Ling for bringing up such stupid programmers. Oh yeah maybe I forgot, but once Lionel you say that your programmers are cheapskate and they have no brains that is why I have to work with no brainers like you!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

@ TTDI Pasar Malam

The other day at pasar malam

Rashid : How are you man
JT : Doing good. How about you?
Rashid : Ok la. So where are you working now?
JT : Silverlake in PJ
Rashid : So how is your salary like?
JT : You know you think you are worth 5K but they are giving you 2k only?
Rashid : *started to laugh* yeah thats true man..

I guess it is true that we think we are worth more coz we do more but that don't really apply. It also depends a lot on the boss who you are working with.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Chat On Msn

Check this out, a chat with my friend that nickname is called kopi -

Kopi : Hi How are you?
JT : Doing OK. How about you?
Kopi : Doing ok too. You know what?
JT : What?
Kopi : I bought a new car.
JT : Wow. What car you buy?
Kopi : Vios.
JT : You must be freaking rich to buy that car.

*That is when my friend went offline*

Anyway if me, honestly, can't even afford to buy a vios. But my friend can as my friend is working as an insurance agent. My friend decided to forgo her Computer Engineering Diploma and do full time Insurance. It was tough at the start but I guess now my friend is really doing well.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Weirdo On Facebook Part 2

Once I wrote about this weirdo on facebook who message me. The other day she message me again and scolded me F*&^ you. But I didn't bother to reply. I guess this type of people really need help. Anyway if you want to know who is she, her name is Catherine Solanggo.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Happy Birthday To You


Today is your birthday. Happy birthday to you!

Friday, May 07, 2010

Choosing The Right Partner

The other day my mum friend drop by to our house and he was talking about life partner.

Uncle : It is really important to choose a partner who have the same believe as us.
Mum : Yeah that is right.
Uncle : Coz even though when I was there in S'pore she (his bro wife) treat me really nice and etc
Mum : That is great.
Uncle : But there is something missing in her which is Christ.

So when you all get gf/bf (heading towards marriage) don't bother finding others. Find the correct person as it will be better for you. Like Pr Kee once said, if you marry an unyoke, you will be lost in the desert for 40years..

Thursday, May 06, 2010

A Chat In Church

The other day in church :

Rita : How are you (to my parents)?
Parents : Doing great and long time no see you.
Rita : Yeah been out, was in some company trip as I manage to touch my quota.
Parents : Wow that's great.
Rita : So how are you JT? Got GF already?
JT : Doing good and I am not rushing.
Rita : That's good. Don't need to rush
Parents : Yeah don't need to rush.

I guess it depends a lot on how you look at that situation and answer it. But I still have a long way to go to still continue to learn to how to put my words nicely when being thrown not only in this situation but at other situation as well.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Arrogance & Crap

Thanks to some kind of people who work like crap, we had tough time working the other day. I will roughly write the happening there. It is about a other race dude who thinks he is highly great but he is nothing.

IBM Guy : You use test pen surely got results. You will need multimeter for accurate result.
NTT Guy : Don't need. If got power ok already.
IBM Guy : No, if the power is not right, it will shock the whole system up.

*Some Argument Started*

NTT Guy : Tell me what certification you have (arrogant voice)
IBM Guy : I don't have but I have been in this industry more than 30 years and this is simple stuff.
Husni : This NTT guy is experience.
IBM Guy : Then how come you don't even know this stuff? *Show him the reading on multimeter*

NTT Guy : *No comments*
Suresh : How long will you be here? Because I want to go for lunch at 1pm.
Husni : Then can we continue at 3pm? Because this NTT Guy need to go for prayer.

Inside me during that time was Suresh an Indian guy don't need to go for prayers and while the other 2 just walk off like that. I mean when you hit production problems, will you just walk off like that? It shows that mentality got some issues here. Anyway I am not sure why NTT is quite screwed up. 1 day I can access the place easily and another day they can tell me my name is not there anymore. Not really sure how these people work but one thing for sure, they are not so good as us in even simple management. They only know about $ and honest, even their Project Manager (PM) is always so kelam kabut..

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

When The Unexpected Happens

The other day when I was in Cyberjaya with Mr Ng to receive a system and to do some minor setup, we will bound to have some difficulties when ever configuring a new system. Some of this stuff cannot be avoided and at times do you think we would like that to happen too? So when the unexpected happen, just understand that we are working our best to solve the issues..

Monday, May 03, 2010

Love Enough

I have been putting this message on my MSN / Yahoo / GTalk. It is actually a song that I truly love :) You can find it @ Hearts As One CD 2

Love Enough

Your love’s enough to see the broken hearts
Gain a brand new start with a brand new heart
As the faithful hope in things unseen
You’re enough to see all the things they dream
Come to life

We’re living in the Saviour today
And this day is what we have now
In this moment we have chosen to praise
And it’s changing how we live now

Your love it broke my fall
It’s more than enough and I need it
‘Cause I’ve never known better
And I’ll never know better

Verse 2 (same chords and the first verse)

Your love’s enough to see the humbled man
Find the cause of Christ
With his outstretched hands
As the cripple grabs his mat to walk
You’re enough to save him from the pain he bore


Your love it broke my fall
It’s more than enough and I need it
‘Cause I’ve never known better
And I’ll never know better

This love will see me soar
It’s more than enough and I need it
‘Cause I’ve never known better
And I’ll never know better

My Saviour
You’ll never let me go
My life is now secure
My Saviour
You’ll never let me go
And in Your hands my future’s brighter

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Go Home Early Or Late

The other day, my boss called me to go into the meeting room to have meeting. Check it out

Boss : Teo, are you studying any class after office hours?
Teo : Nope.
Boss : Cos not I always see you go back early.
Teo : Yeah. Coz March was a tough month for me and did a lot of OT. So this month think of taking it easy.

See, go back early kena, go back late I also will be question by parents...hahaha

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Happy Holiday

To Everyone who is working

Happy Holiday