Friday, June 20, 2008

Thank You Friend & A Prayer For You

Yesterday when I was working in KL, my friend MSN me when I was waiting for some results of the line to come up once again. This friend of mine told me that she was on MC today (Friday) as something happened to her which I total knew what happen straight away. I have to say when I was in the revival meeting your name came into my mind I prayed for you as I know work hasn't been that kind to you.

I called her but when I called her she decided to end my call and she instead called me. She told me that it will be cheaper for her to call me. In those moments when talking to her I knew that she was really work out and she was not really herself and there is a difference in talking to her. She sounded weak.

As more calls were coming into my handphone from DC and also big boss, I had to cut short our conversation. Even though I say it was a short call, but I believe I yack with her at least more than 15 minutes. While I was driving back from KL we still yacked on the phone for quite some time which is actually from when I left KL till I reach back to DC.

I know I haven't been talking to you for quite some time and I know that my stories which I created which made you laugh so much even though I don't really find it funny is meant for you to unwind and let yourself free. I have to say, every moment of our conversation I totally appreciate it to the fullest. Honest even when I was driving home when I switch on the radio I turn it off as it was like noise to my ears and when you called you kind of change my day too. For this I want to thank you :) You kind of make my day change a little and you sort of brought joy back to me so that I could bring some joy back to you too.

My friend, you know who you are, this prayer is meant for you

Our Father as I bring my Friend
To You, Into Your Hands,
Lord I pray and ask that your healing will come upon my friend
that You will deliver her from ALL types
of fainting issues that she has in her life,
that you will give her good health all the time,
that you will watch over her all the time.

Lord I pray and ask that every night when she sleeps,
that she will rest in peace with You
and that NOTHING on earth can distract her and make her
to be awake all the time and things of office
or even other issues in life she will put into your hands
Lord let her sleep well every night that she will not have any anxiety if anything.

Lord now I pray and ask that one day my friend
Will come to know you in spirit and in truth,
that her Salvation will be in your hands,
and also her family will come to know you in spirit and in truth.

Lord I pray and ask that you will open a door for my friend
to find a new job that will suit her totally and
that it will not drain her mentally, physically and emotionally.
I know work at times might be unkind towards her,
but I pray Lord that my friend will learn how to come to you
that she will learn how to speak to you even though she has never tried before.

Lord I truly thank you for this friend of mine who have such a good heart
At times by seeing this, it puts me to ashame as I am not that good myself.
Lord that you truly bless this friend of mine and I really want to thank you
For giving me a chance to even to know her.
I want to thank you once again Lord for her blessings that she has poured into my life

So once again Lord I pray that you will sustain my friends body,
that you will give her good health,
that she will rest well every night,
that no anxiety will disturb her rest,
that she will wake up every single day fresh
and that she knows that every day in earth is a miracle from you

In Jesus Name I Pray



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should be me right? Thanks.
Life will get hard, enjoy, happy, sad. :(

7:08 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

thanks rite, the prayer is meant for you....yeah take it easy and take it day by day ok?

chill out, dont think about work after working hours..

10:21 AM  

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