Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy Moon Cake Festival

It is time to eat moon cake once again. Happy Moon Cake festival you all. Well as for me, office gave us some on Friday so I just had a couple of slices. It was quite sweet to me but since free makan sahaja la. The next thing is my dudes in GZ, they are having 4 days public holiday and some are taking the whole week off. Boy I envy them but they really deserve to rest as they work really hard over there and I wish at times I can be there and also bring my team there to really assist them so that they wont be over worked daily. I know it is off topic but what to do? Old is like that ......... :P  

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Car Clutch Rosak

The other day my car clutch rosak. The only gear that can go in is 3rd gear and reverse and without letting the clutch go, the car can already move. So we had to do some fixing and the fixing came to either 1K or less than 1K. But after they fix everything, the car is really really smooth and it is really nice to drive. A lot of people ask me to change the car, but since it is for city driving, nah I don't think I need a new car or a 2nd hand car for now

Friday, September 28, 2012

Stuck In LRT

about 1 hour + the other day. It wasnt happening and the last time it happen to me was when I was on my 1st job as I was working in KL. It was really tiring to stand for 1 hour and the train was really pack. Reason of break down is because 1 of the automated doors in one of the stations could not close. I don't know why they cannot just overide for 1 door and let us get to work early. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012


I saw in a post in lowyat forum there is my favourite guitar is on 2nd hand sale. It is the Farida D62 Guitar. It is one of the top range guitars and it is going for 1600 and it is nego. Another guitar in my mind is the Taylors GS Mini from my friend that cost 2k. Sigh. Both also expensive, but one is a D guitar and another is not. But both also like. So macam mana?  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Run For The Nation

is coming really really soon. It is on the 6th October and till today I only manage to train like 2 times. I guess I really need to go to the gym more often so that I will be prepared for the run for that day. I know a lot of people say its just 5KM but let me tell you, praying and running at the same time is really really not easy. You might be the fittest but guess what? You will find it really tough too.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


So far till today I have been going to the gym twice. Working really hard to pepare myself for the run next Saturday. I really thank God for the gym in my offifce as I can run and work out over there without needing to pay like those other gyms that cost quite a sum each month. I have to say the equipment in my office gym is really good too. So I have to say I am blessed to be working over here to use their facilities 

Monday, September 24, 2012


The other day when my mum was using my laptop as my dad was busy doing his assignment on the pc, this was what we were talking about

Mum : How come your laptop faster than your pc?
Me : A bit faster only mar.

I guess in another way, I will need to get them a new pc soon but the soon will only be in 2014 :P

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kena Sack

I heard that my friend got sacked / MIA is because he fake his degree cert. He kantoi when he was being audited. I guess it is not a good move to do especially when you are working as once you are being black listed, you are total gone.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


My parents pc is really old and it is running on 1.6GHZ and I overclock to 2GHZ. But since it is so old that it started to give some problems and I decided to let it run back at normal speed. But upon running on normal speed, even things like scanning cannot work nicely anymore. I had to let them use my other pc and I remove the ram and put 2GB of ram in my pc and installed a fresh set of windows and all the applications that is required by them. So now they are using my pc and I guess its better to let them use then letting my PC sit there and do nothing as I no longer use the PC that often and I only on it like once a month or sometimes more than 2 months I only on once. So its time for them to make use of it rather than buying a new pc.

Friday, September 21, 2012

I wonder

what will some of my friends will be doing as some of the projects have been pulled back to India. I guess it is now very very very worrying to see them coming to office daily and yet doing nothing but surf the net and also checking out youtube and watching either series or full movies back to back. THIS IS NOT healthy. I guess if given a chance, they should move out or else it will be too late for them. I seriously wonder if this department is going to chap lap or not too.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Friend As Usher

The other day while food packing ( a month or 2 back)

Alex : What else do you serve in church
Jason : As Usher. You want to join?
Alex : Ok ah, how often?
Jason : Twice a month

Done deal and it has been sealed :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hard Disk Price

Rumours has it that the price of HDD will only go down in 2014. So take care of your hard disk everyone and dont over stress your hard disk too much for now so that it will have a longer life span.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Don't Trust People On Streets

who actually ask u for money. I have a friend the other day kena when he was asked for rm20. I actually was at the scene and I wanted to drag him away but he didnt move. So we stayed and waited for him. Last time when I was walking back with another 5 of my office mates, a dude speaking in Mandrin stop us and started talking in Mandrin and I told him I don't speak and understand but another of my friend go entertain him. He by the way was asking for rm200 and telling us that he is looking for his family member and will return us the money when he finds his family member. Well honest, I dont trust them, so my money will never go to them

Monday, September 17, 2012










Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blessed Malaysia Day

Blessed Malaysia Day


Happy Holiday


Don't Go To Work Tomorrow

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Haze is on and off now. But at times there is rain and I really thank God for it as it really can clear the air and skies. But the rain needs to be really heavy to wash it away and at least 1 hour rain will be good and the best is if it can rain at night

Friday, September 14, 2012

Micro SD

My micro sd crash the other day. And I lost everything that is inside and that includes some of the picutres that I took in bakalalan this year. I guess I have to say, please do your backup often to your pc so that when your micro sd crash or your phone crash, you can restore it easily if you have your backup. If you don't, it is really going to be painful.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Poll SMS

I have been asked to vote if current gov or opposition is better. Man I wonder how they get my number. I guess this is the telco who is selling our numbers to them. Is it fair or is it ok to be spam by this kinda of sms?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bigger Micro SD N SDHC

I was thinking once the price of micro SD and SDHC drop a lot, I will get a 32GB C10 for both and will be used for my digital camera (my parents) and for my phone. But I guess I will need to wait for quite some time before it will drop as C10 is still new in the market. So got to wait for it patiently before all comes down.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

PC Setup

The other day when I setup my pc for my parents my pc and transfer the parts to my pc it was really a nightmare. I had so many problems and I only slept like 3am the next day to trouble shoot the problems that I have. I will just list down in brief the problems I faced and what I did

  1. My motherboard battery went flat (CR2302)
  2. Take battery from other motherboard
  3. Take ram from other pc to fix into my pc and pc cannot start. So take out put in again
  4. Move CDROM to my pc as my pc cdrom rosak
  5. Change hard disk
  6. Found out 1 of my IDE HDD Died
  7. Fail to install windows xp and win 7
  8. Installed windows xp and screwed up the AGP and Monitor driver
  9. Format and install windows xp again

It was tiring and I was quite upset as this setup is usually easy for me and it was like making me feel stupid and it was really taking many hours to set it up.  

Monday, September 10, 2012

Annual Dinner

will be in November and they ask us to dress like High School Musical / High School Clothes. But for me, I don't think I will dress like that I will just dress like normal or dress down.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Not Going

to Penang for my own team building. Everyone decided to pull out so we don't have to go. But the idea is really stupid as we are going only for a night (sat go, sun back) and it will be extremely tiring and my boss wanted us to plan activities there. If it was me, I would have taken Friday go, Sunday only we will come back. My friend and I explain to my boss that PG is far and he say that since everyone can drive, everyone can take turns to drive. But now I guess we will need to reschedule everything once again.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Team Building

We had walk a hunt today from klcc and back to klcc and we pass by places like Lot 10 and all. I really thank God that today it was not hot and if it was hot, surely many people will melt under the sun. The weather is really good as it was really cloudy the whole day.

But the thing I didn't like was how kiasu people can be. I called out of team mate for the 1st location but he rush on the call and then hang up on me. But the thing is when he needs my help in office which matters MOST then he will come to me. If he does that why must I help him? Anyway in some way I guess my team was the laid back and quite united team as we don't fight and we just accept the answers and we move on as we were the last team. But in the end we manage to finish well ahead of some teams too. Anyway in the end my team got consolation prize n 1 of my friends got 2nd prize and that guy on 2nd paragraph got 6th prize.

Oh yeah, eveyrone was wearing the baju that was given by the company, but I was wearing my MU Jersey :P

Friday, September 07, 2012

Multi Effects

The other day when I went to a forum, there is this guy selling his Line 6 HD 500 2nd hand used for 1 year for rm650. Where can you get for such a cheap price? Sigh. I guess sometimes some places are greener than our side.

Thursday, September 06, 2012


I haven't taken my assessment yet and I got 2 more months to go. I guess I need to register and take it really soon. All my friends haven't taken it yet either and I guess we are going to sama sama take and pass it together (lets hope pass la). But over in GZ, my china dudes told me their boss told them it is not required to pass but once you take it and pass or fail it, its good enough. But thats not true. Once you take it, you need to pass it as it is a 2012 requirement.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

GPS With Antenna

really logs on to your location really fast even though you have tint on your screen. Tint does slow down the finding and at times will loose your GPS Signal. I have to say till today I am really happy with the purchases or the updates I bought for my GPS. Worth every single cent I spend or didn't spend. I know it is confusing statement as I paid for some and I didn't pay for some.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012


The other day when my friend went to repair his watch in my friend's shop, I saw the new latest models from Seiko and it looks anytime better than my current watch and the glass is now Sapphire Crystal. Sigh, But I guess all I can do is be happy with what I have and not to complain about it as I guess those watches are more expensive as the price before discount is already 1K ++

Monday, September 03, 2012

Food Fly & Smoke

There is so many food fly in my office even though there is no food / stale food around anywhere. Even though I can kill like 2 or 3 there are still so many of them every where. Sigh. This is really really bad. Not only that, sometimes in a single day, we can smell smoke smell from the AC duct and it is like about half an hour to 45 minutes. Even though we complain last time, there is nothing done or nothing can be done about it. I guess working over here will surely shorten my life.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Horrible English

Alamak when I read the english that is written by my office mate, I feel that I am so ashamed that I am the same team as him. I really admit it is really really really that bad and also very rude to the users.I now got no choice but now I need to correct it with him as I am in the same team as him. If I don't correct, others will surely look down at my department and I myself is also looking down at it already.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

BB Software

This is the sofwares / apps that I use in my BB

  1. Whatsapp (very needed)
  2. Rock File Manager (very needed)
  3. File Scount (same like rock file manager but cannot unzip rar)
  4. MSN
  5. Yahoo Messenger
  6. Google Talk
  7. Viber
  8. Guitar Tuner (needed at times)
  9. Torchlight  (needed)
  10.  Bible
  11. Cool Tip Calculator (easy way to count how much each person got to pay)