Monday, April 30, 2012


Nope I am not talking about government but I am talking about office politics. There is a girl in my team who is a junior who now play politics in office. Most of the time she will BCC boss which none of us understand why. I mean if you want to let people know information just CC and you don't need to use BCC. Because when you do that people will find it weird. 

Not only that, she complains about our team members not to our internal team, but to other teams and she finds it is ok and she didn't do any wrong. She thinks it is all right to do so. But she doesn't know it will damage other people's image. When people talk about her last time she was so furious but when she does it to others she think is ok. She actually complain about my friend to another team and when my friend found out, practically my friend actually F her all the way but she act innocent and still say she did nothing. 

I still remember and incident that when she was asked to work late, my friend and I stayed back to make sure it is done and then only we went back. When we had some issue, she told us she was leaving. In my opinion, today generation cannot pakai. I bet most of you agree on what I just mention
So people, beware, this is what juniors can do.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


to post. But I will try to keep it updated with some stories.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

So Panas

Everyday so hot. According to the newspaper, they stated that it will be hot for a couple of months. So please people, don't do open burning and do your part to help the environment. It seems now everyday I will need my AC and now without AC cannot sleep at night :(

Friday, April 27, 2012

My Weight

I stood on the weighing scale and it told me I am 59KG. I wasn't that heavy last time. The other day when I weight myself at home, it shows that I am 52KG only. I guess I need to use another machine to make sure I have my correct weight

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Going To Skip

My post of guangzhou and HK. Really too lazy to do that. Sorry guys.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Back To Work

Yeah it is back to work today but I feel really refresh thanks to my holiday. This time many people went and I was up there to take care of my sister kid too. I played with her, entertain her and always was with her as I feel it is really important to be with her all the time. So yeah it was a good trip and the weather was really good there. Practically raining most of the time especially in the afternoon and it really lowers the temperature for the day. Morning will be hot, Noon rain and night will be cool.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Line Up There

Well as I am using BB, I can go online up there, but when I am up there, I only have GPRS! I don't even have EDGE (but this is enough for whatsapp). But when you try to open websites and even fb, alamak very slow la. But in the end there is wifi connection which is not strong but it was strong from my room to go online and use msn and etc. I know it must be weird to go online while holiday, but I have no choice, if I use my hp, it will be so so slow :(

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


When I was up in Cameron, I brought my laptop up so that I can takei and also watch shows. As my room in Cameron has AC, when I play my game I will on my AC and boy it really helps to cool my laptop as the game that I play will really heat up the laptop and the hot air that comes out from the laptop can even burn your hand. It can be that hot. So yeah with cold air it neutralize the hot air :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Holiday Time

I am in Cameron Highland till Thursday. So far it is really a good trip. Playing games (computer) and eating snacks and I manage to get to eat my Lemon cheese cake that I miss for nearly 5 years. This year was the trip highlight.

Monday, April 16, 2012

I Pass

my ITIL Exam! Results out today and it is really good as its a great package to start my week as I am heading for holiday and when I found out I pass my exam, it is like double happiness. I thought I could not really pass the exam as I could not remember the questions that we went thru during class. But I am happy to be able to pass it :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

ITIL Part 3

Exam is today, could do, all I am hoping is that I will pass the exam. It was kinda tricky. You know when you do ITIL you cannot bring your work experience into ITIL. Reason is because if you think that your experience is correct, it is actually wrong in ITIL. So it is harder for us who have been working for some time.

Anyway what was demotivating my friends and I was this, we brought out experience to answer the question, and when we got like many back to back wrong, it demoralize you. It really did. So we ended up not wanting to answer but just to look at the questions and try to remember the answers.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ITIL Part 2

Today is study day. Alamak so much to study. How la? Some more tomorrow EXAM! Oh nooooo....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

ITIL Part 1

Well 2 days is gone and the amount the trainer covered is a lot. Man I really studied today after class as the book is about 500+ Page thick. But the only issue is since I am already out of school, it is harder to study and remember things and the time for exam is too near. I am considered lucky as tomorrow is an holiday and I have extra 1 day to prepare. But I am not sure if I can actually finish studying and getting all the facts into my head. Have to admit, it is really pressuring and I really hope to pass

Monday, April 09, 2012

ITIL Today

I am attending ITIL today for 3 days and I thank God that I manage to get into this group as there is an extra day for me to study and prepare for my exam which is on Thursday. I thank God too I have space as I registered quite late. So I be in office only on Friday.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

My Schedule

for the this coming week and next is only working for 2 days (both week Friday), 4 days for ITIL, 4 days Holiday. Just how awesome is that?

Friday, April 06, 2012

So Smelly

The other day when I was in the LRT, there was this dude who like never bath for 1 week came into the LRT and I tell you it was so smelly! Many people who were standing near him move away and he was practically standing infront of me (I decided to sit that day) and I nearly died. It was so smelly that even people commented in canto (very smelly). I tell you even though he got down 3 stations after, I felt that I smell like him and I felt kinda dirty :(  But when he left, lucky the train door open longer at that station so that the smelly smell can go out from the train.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

I Was Sick

I was sick on Saturday till Monday and my friend asked me if I was actually playing an April fool joke. Come on, being sick is something its not fun about. Some more worst was my Sat n Sun was gone as I was sleeping most of the time. I guess some stuff in life is not worth joking about especially when it comes to sickness. 

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Touch & Go Down?

It seems we cannot reload TnG in LRT stations. When I asked why, they told me that TnG s/ware is having some problems and now the programmers are trying to rectify the issue. It seems that the credit that is loaded into the card will go missing after a while. Boy this is worrying. Imagine you reloaded RM200 and suddenly that went missing. How do you even know what is your last value? So for now daily I got to pay my in and out and I cannot use TnG season pass till don't know when.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

English Premier League Cup

It was in 1U yesterday, but since I was sick, I was not able to go and take a look at the cup itself. Quite sad. But I guess they will win the cup again and it will come back to Malaysia once again. So go on Manchester United and win your last 8 games and wrap up the title.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Weird Boss

I have a really weird boss. We were given a chance to attend free training outside of company and he doesn't allow us to go as he say it is not related. One thing I know about him is if it does not interest him a single bit, he is not willing to even take a look at it. Even my friend who wanted to attend the HP UX training was not allowed as my boss mention it is not related. To me, it is ok to add on knowledge (that is what they encourage to do also) and now you don't allow us to attend the training? What double standards and how contradicting.

Sunday, April 01, 2012


I have a very weird friend. And he told me that he was leaving my group to join a younger group as he finds our group getting too old for him. But guess what? He is 30 years old himself. So speaking about old, he is old himself. So I guess he got to take a look at the mirror at his own self before saying about others.