Monday, January 16, 2012

My BB Drop

for the very 1st time that day. My sis kid was hungry that day and while she was sitting on my lap in front of the laptop, she was busy pressing the buttons on my laptop then I held her hands hard and I ask her why she so naughty. Next thing I know she started to cry and I had to carry her and while carrying her, her leg hit my cell phone and it drop on the floor. I was shocked and I had to restart the phone. But now it seems the phone is no longer like before it drop *sad*


Blogger Jadelyn said...

Bb are one tough nut don't worry!
Maybe maybe your niece cried because you accuse her of being naughty! :p

11:44 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

Yeah drop my BB a couple of times already and its still ok so far.

12:13 PM  

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