Friday, September 30, 2011

Taylors 915

The other day when I was on ebay, I saw Taylors 915 going at 550USD. But the guitar is about 30 years old but it still looks quite good as it was inside the hard case for about 15 years. I actually felt so tempted to bid for it as after convert its about 1800. But the only issue is the shipping. When I played the system for shipping price, its about USD680 just to ship the guitar over! I wish I was in USA that time and surely I will bid it no matter what the price is and bring it back to where it should belong. I really wish that one day I can get my hands on a Taylor even though my playing not that good la :P

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Talk To Boss

One of the day's I had enough and I let every thing out from my chest to my boss. But guess what? My boss still ask us to be patient with him (yeah we have been waiting like 6 months and isn't that patients). I even told him that we are not welcome, people want to pull back our jobs and many more.

But till today, there is not much changes. Yeah he asked us to do stupid job like do white paper, find the security settings of the current XP, Office 2k3 & 2k7, IE7 and IE8. But guess what? We are moving to Win 7, Office 2k10 and if they use, they might be using IE9. So the work that we do is actually no use, coz lets say by the end of the year, it will be trashed.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Printer + My GPS + My Monitor + My Upgrades

The other day when I was at home and I needed to print and photocopy stuff, that is when I truly realize that my printer is the item that is most worth it item I bought last year. Most of the time this kinda items I buy, I don't really use it especially my printer. I think till today I print less than 20 pages. Most of the time the printing is done by my mum.

I think the next thing that is worth while is my Garmin Nuvi 765 GPS. When my uncle used it in Singapore, they were really shocked as it was really accurate. The accuracy is because of the map and also it depends on how fast it can recalculate when you take the wrong turn.

Next was to replace my monitor as it was fried after 9 years. Its an 19 inch monitor, but till today, I think I on less than 20 times too. Haha. I bought it nearly about a month ago 2nd hand from my friends friend who never used it before.

I just got my laptop upgrade by feeding my old laptop with 320GB HDD and 4GB of DDR 2 800. Had to buy this upgrade also because my hard disk is failing on me as it always hang and since my memory is not enough, I decided to feed it with 4GB even though I know I can only see 3.1 or less than 3.1GB on Windows

Anyway all devices was bought by me @ about 2.1K. But I guess at times when the items u knw that you need to use and it is really useful in time of need, then it is really a worth while item to purchase.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Online Shopping

It was my 1st time using Online shopping that day and I decided that I will buy my GPS External antenna. I decided to go on small value rather than buy such an big value thing as it not so damaging to my wallet. My GPS External antenna has already arrive and I am really happy with the purchase. Even now inside my house when I turn on my GPS, I can even get 4 bars of satellite. Not bad huh? Well at least for sure now when my parents use my GPS they will at least have some signal on their car while they drive.

Monday, September 26, 2011

16GB Kingmax

The other day I decided I really need a bigger thumb drive. But this is not really a thumb drive but a flat piece of like card that is like a thumb drive As my friend was selling his away as it cant be detected on his car, I decided to buy it from him. Now I am using it to put my shows after I download it so I can watch it back to back using this mini thumb drive. So check it out on the picture as below.

Mine Is On The Right

Sunday, September 25, 2011


It has been raining quite often this couple of days. I really like this kinda of weather. Wish at times I don't need to go to work but just hide under my bed with my covers and continue to sleep well. I really hope that at the same time it is raining where they are doing opening burning. It will be great if the natural water from the sky can really put them off.

For those who go to work by LRT or other ways, don't forget to carry ur umbrella as you will really need it during this wet days.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Jusco 1U

When it was 2nd day of raya when I went to Jusco 1U to check it out as they just newly renovated and open. When I was walking by Jusco, it really did change and the place was bigger and there was so much more Jap food, bakery was bigger and etc etc. I can't explain how is it over there, you will need to go there and really check it out.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Conference Call

You know, at times I have to come back to attend conference call. But guess what? At times when I attend the call, I don't even know what they are talking about and it is really boring. So I guess attend or don't attend wont make any difference. Not only that, at times the whites don't understand the blacks. No I am not being racist but I don't want to share who they are.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

BB Torch

The other day, some one offered me BB Torch (brand new) @ 1450. Man if I am a rich kid surely I will rather buy BB Torch 2 by adding another 250. But since I am not so rich, I guess I will be waiting patiently. I guess maybe I will share what HP I would like to try.

  1. BB Torch
  2. HTC Desire HD
  3. HTC Sensation
  4. Iphone 3/4

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

MU Really On

Manchester United is on as now they are really beating everyone in the premier league. On Sunday they just beat Chelsea 3-1. If I am not wrong, it was about a week or 2 ago that they beat Bolton 5-0. So let's see how far MU will go this season.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Big Fish

The other day when I was having dinner @ DU, I was watching the TV and this guy love fishing and I am not sure where he went to catch cat fish. The fish is not meant to be eaten but just to catch. The 1st catch was considered quite big and when the last fish he caught, it could be at least a humans weight as it is so big and old. He was really struggling to winch (don't knw the right word) the fish out of the water. When that guy finally manage to bring the fish up, he was trying to pull the fish on board, he was struggling too. Man I have never seen such a big fish before. It is like a shark already. As there is no sound frm the TV, I don't know how heavy and how long was the fish. But it was really so exciting as everyone in the shop was watching and I believe was so excited too.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Remember I was telling you about the BB that I wanted to buy? Already sold. I manage to call the user today and the user told me that *sigh* Must go and find another deal already :(

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Upgrade Done

Well I promise to tell you guys what I did. I installed Windows XP on C and D was Win 7. Yeah it is dual boot and the laptop now is feed 4GB DDR800 and 320GB of HDD space. I split the HDD partition by 50-50-200. When I actually bought 320GB, I wasn't sure if the thing will even detect the hard disk as no I could really confirm if the thing will run on 500GB. But after reading some questions asked by users, they say might have some problem booting so that is why I decided to stick to 320GB.

Next thing is when running on x86 on both XP and 7, I only can see about 3.1GB of ram. If you have an extra graphics card that is in the laptop, I believe you can see up to 3.2 or 3.25 GB of ram. Yeah I know the best is actually to use X64, but currently I don't have it. But to me never mind its not a waste as the x64 will still be here for me to use.

The only issued that I have was drivers for XP. I could not find the driver for the sound card and it was really tough even though the drivers were found in HP website, some of it didn't work. In the end I had to install an apps that will actually scan your drivers and tell you which driver you will need to install.

On Win 7, everything was really smooth as Windows Update will automatically help you find the driver that you need. I guess the only thing I need to do is just to do some tweaks on both my Win XP and 7 and everything will be fine.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Upgrade Arrive

Today finally, I decided to get my hard disk and ram as my hard disk hang on me twice on Friday night. I had no choice and I decided to go and find 320GB and also 4GB of ram. My plan was to do dual boot. Yup so I did install XP and Win 7 on the HDD. But I have to say, by using Windows 7, you can find your drivers to fit your hard ware. But for XP, some of the drivers that I download won't even work. I had the tough time to find the Audio driver. Will update on all my installation once it is complete.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Today is Holiday. Yey. Happy Holiday everyone. Well today I am heading out with my friend to TC to watch smurf. Heading out at 3pm to walk then the show at 530pm. The show is really really cute. Those lil blue fellas and they love to sing songs. After the show, I went and get my mags and then we headed for Pork Burger @ Andes and then it was CG. Yup brought my friend to CG on that day. When I reach home I was just tired after having such a long day but it was enjoyable :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

So Sad

I cannot reach the user who is selling the bb torch @ rm890. If can I would really love to buy it as the meet up place is in TC and since I am heading to TC tmr, I can deal with the user and go and watch my movie and it is like a tripple happy day (HP, Movie and Holiday). Never mind will still continue to try, so stay tune again

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sick of Office

That is right, I am really sick of going to office every single day. All my team mates are demotivated and everyday we just do stupid work and when we don't really understand how to do it we always will kena m16. I mean come on, if they really want to do IT Security, come challenge my team and I will bet that we can kick their @ss so easily.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What OS?

The other day my friend ask me one question. It goes like this "Will you give a try to Android?"

Well to answer everyone, if given a chance, I would like to try Android, IOS and also OS6 or 7. I don't mind getting older devices as I will not pay a high price for a new cell phone. I don't think I want to try Windows mobile as I heard it aint not that good. Anyway really I would like to try the different kinda HP if given a chance and if it is affordable :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

24 Season 1 ending

Yup this season is going to end for me, going to start S 2 really soon once it ends :P But just incase everyone is wondering why am I watching it now and why am I so behind, yup I just found out about this show not long ago, so yeah I am about 8 years late.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Want To Buy Again

I saw another add in selling bb torch again. It comes with 14th months warranty, 8gb mirco sd and also an expensive case. It is selling at RM890. I will buy it as it is quite a good deal. Even with warranty, some people are still selling over 1k+ which definitely I will not pay as I don't want to pay so much for a hand phone again. Will be updating soon. Stay tune...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Raya Gathering

During Raya, I had a gathering with my friends. About 9 of us came for this gathering. I reach Klang @ about 1130 and I was there till midnight. Yup that is right, midnight. Event went as below

  1. Ate lunch at about 1230?
  2. Lepak at lunch area till 2 or 3?
  3. Head back to Boss house
  4. Dinner @ about 6pm+
  5. Came back at about 8pm+
  6. Had some drinks and watch tv
  7. Last round of drinks and thats it.

Friday, September 09, 2011

True Case

This is the opposite from my previous post. There was this old lady who board the train in Bangsar. Then she asked 1 guy where is Pasar Seni is and how many more stops before the train reach. When she was asking, this other young guy directly stood up and ask this aunty to sit but she refuse. Kinda have a commotion in the train as the guy ask the aunty to sit and she dowan and she told him to sit down. It was kinda funny but my hats off for the young man :)

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Sad Case But True Part 1

The other day when I was in the LRT, there was this uncle who was about 70+ and he came in from Pasar Seni. I notice that there are people who saw him but just buat bodoh. Nope I didn't have my seat with me. Then when there was 1 person who got down @ KL Sentral, this another girl suddenly go and seat. My friend who was with me also could not really believe what happen. Anyway this uncle didn't sit and he left the train in Taman Bahagia.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

My Hard Disk Going To Die

I think my laptop hdd is going to go very very soon as it always hang now when I am using it. I guess the other day when I put the bag in the car and when my dad press brake, the bag flip and hit the floor. Yup now I do hear weird noise coming from the HDD. Quite sad. I guess I better get a new hard disk soon as I think the max out support on my laptop is only 320GB. Since 320GB is going to be off the market shelf really soon, I will be getting it with my 4GB of ram. I know my original plan is to buy everything in December, I guess tak jadi already.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Didn't Buy Torch

Well since there are others who actually was ahead of me on the BB Torch, it was sold off really fast. I guess I will have to wait for another good offer to come along

Monday, September 05, 2011

I Wanna Buy!!

That day I saw a 2nd hand BB Torch 9800 @ 870. But that is not the finalize price yet. So tempted to buy. I guess I will wait for a little while longer till December before I decide what phone to get. There is a new version of Torch which is 9810, but since it is just out, it is freaking expensive and I wont be getting that any time soon. So now must jimat money 1st before I buy my new HP.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

GPS Car's

The other day when I login to a forum, on the 1st posting, I manage to see a title that stated

"Customize Cars For Your Nuvi"

So since I am always free in office, I decided to go and take a peep in the URL and boy there are so many cars that they offer for download. There was once when I was actually trying to find Optimus Prime, but I could not really get it, so I got the next nearest was a truck that was blue in color. But this time I manage to find Optimus Prime and other cars too. The cars that I downloaded are :

  1. Optimus Prime
  2. Bumblebee
  3. Nissan Skyline FnF2
  4. Mitsubishi Evo
  5. ECTO 1 (Ghosbusters)
  6. Knight Rider (The New version)
  7. Subaru WRX

Saturday, September 03, 2011

24 S6

I guess I will start to watch 24 again. I haven't watch finish S1 and I am thinking of skipping to S6. I guess my pattern of watching is a bit weird. I watch S8, S7 and S1 (half way) and now I want to start with S6 :P

Friday, September 02, 2011


You know when we were up in Lepo Bunga, this is how the potters will pack our stuff and walk up there for nearly 2 hours + to bring up our stuff. But this picture is taken when I was up in the camp side. On one of the days, the amount of weight the potters brought up was 44KGs!

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Replacement Holiday

Happy Holiday

