Monday, January 17, 2011

My Car

My boss still complain about my car when I drove him to do key injection for 1 of our projects. Even though when he 1st heard my car engine he said it was quiet already and since it went thru repairs of Rm1800, it is really nice to drive and when you are driving with the radio on and aircond on you don't even hear the engine AT ALL. Really.

Anyway I guess I am really thankful. I don't mind driving this car. Really. I thank God for this car as it can even bring me to work and even to cyberjaya for work. But the other passenger in my car told me I should get a car so can go find ah moi.

But if the ah moi wants me to drive a good car means, they are more interested in material things that what you really should be finding which is a good heart and a person who loves God (I am not talking about myself, but in general).

Am I going to change my car? Well answer is no. Sit my car and you will know the difference. Even my friends commented that my car is like brand new just the external got some issues only.


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