Thursday, July 01, 2010

Going To........

Man I am going to work overnight tonight. Not happening. But what to do? No choice mar. I have to work as the people who are coming to work are the newbies that I don't trust at all. When you ask them questions they cannot answer you. See how good SL programmers are? Not only that, their boss also sama wan la. Don't talk about their boss, their PM also another crap. Getting paid like 5 figures, but when you ask them question, they don't know. While those of us who know are paid so little.

Anyway tonight migration is considered quite major. But guess what? Their planning is so damm poor, they only have the meeting yesterday. Not only that, this SL programmers are damm blardy selfish they only think about themself and they don't care about other people who are doing the project too.

I just really wonder if SL is like that, if accenture or other programmers are like that? I know last time Aeon Credit programmers also nearly the same la. Maybe it is true, programmers cannot really pakai. Go ahead shoot me all you want, that is my impression of you guys.


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