Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Some months back, I had a problem with my telco as they bar my line for over using rm 7 and my DD will happen the next day. Anyway check out the conversation as below. 

Me : Hello why is my line being bar?
CS :  Hello sir you overuse by rm7.
Me : My billing is tomorrow so just active it back.
CS : No sir, we cannot as you have over used.
Me : But its just by rm7, do you know my last month bill was higher?
CS : Yes correct, but this case is different?
Me : How different tell me? 
CS : You over use this month.
Me : I told you my direct debit is tomorrow so activate it now.
CS : No sir till you do your payment then only I will activate.
Me : So do you want money now only you will allow me to use?
CS : No sir, I just need you to pay to be able to use your account.
Me : Since my direct debit is tmr, will I be charge again?
CS : No you wont.
Me Are you sure?
CS : Yes I am

Anyway I paid and he didn't activate my line and guess what? I was double charge and I was freaking pissed. I called up twice to the telco and asked 2 different CS on my case and they told me they will just activate back the line and what ever charges will be directed to me. One CS told me that I can either pay 1st, then the next month they will deduct or I can do a charge back. I actually had to pay as my statement date was near and I paid and then they repaid me back. 

I too then lodge a report and the stupid CS told me that it is his 1st job and honest I didn't want to speak to him but his manager but he say that his manager have spoken to him and etc which wasn't good enough for me. So he kept saying sorry which to me don't make any difference. Anyway after that my telco raise my monthly usage limit to RM 1500 which is crazy. When I called them and ask them why, they say it depends was set on my usage. How can a usage of a range of 80-120 need a 1500 a month?   


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