Thursday, February 09, 2012

Sunglobal Battery

I would like to recommend to everyone a new hand phone battery that will give you extra life. It is called Sunglobal. If your hand phone battery is going down, try this battery and trust me, it last longer if compared to stock batteries. I actually bought this battery for my BB as my stock battery for my BB only has 1270mah while my Sunglobal has 1800mah.

Anyway side track abit, if your battery is any other battery and not BB stock battery, and u plug into my bb, my BB will not even start up as there is a need to copy the security code to the new battery before the new battery can be used on my phone. How secured is that man? Battery only you all might say, but yeah its good stuff. Anyway just want to show u the picture of the item that copies the battery security code


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