Wednesday, February 29, 2012


There are actually bats that sleep at my house during the day. I didn't believe my dad till I saw it that day. At times there are about 3 of them. Most of the time 2. So next batman show will be made in Damansara Jaya and it will be hitting the cinema's really soon :P 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


As one of the Juniors was voted to win the award last year for best performer (actually this is bullshit coz no 1 did perform and no I am not crying coz I didn't get the award) they gave him rm200 and also this year they gave him this balloon to appreciate his work. But to me its actually a waste of $ to get this balloon.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lunch Time

I think when I was on leave last year, I had this with my friend near UM. Tasted not bad, but their service extremely slow. They work faster than turtle. Yeah anyway its 1 person eating only :P 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Valentine Day Theme

I saw this theme from BB website and it was given free. But the only thing there is a kecacatan on the top. You can actually see 2 times of the network signal (top right hand corner). I actually did ask them to fix it but they still didn't do anything about it. It is a nice theme, but once I uninstall it, it kinda mess up m phone :(

Friday, February 24, 2012


I have to say, I am not use to Malaysia weather once again. It was winter in China and coming back is suddenly so hot. It is not easy to suddenly adapt to heat. I am having a heavy head now as I guess the humid has gotten into me. Really sad and really miss the weather over there. I wish I can go back there once again.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Am Back

Well I am back. Arrive home like 230pm and I slept after that till 5pm as my plane was @ 845 am. I have to admit the trip to HK was quite tiring and it was really rush here and there and that we didn't really get a chance to enjoy much here. Anyway till next time maybe I will go HK again. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day


Good Bye To Malaysia


Hello Guangzhou

Monday, February 13, 2012


The other day when I was in 1U and Poh Kong was having their road show in the old wing center court and i was checking it out and when this promoter came to me and ask me to fill up a card so that I can get free chocolate. So since the chocolate is free, I decided to fill it up to get the chocolate. I brought it back, froze it and when I ate it, it was really nice :) 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Birthday To You

To My Sis,


Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Trip

My trip to Guangzhou and HK has been finalize last minute yesterday. I tell you it is really last minute. I book our tickets, fill up forms, book our hotels and did whatever needed for me and my friend (my friend on leave, returning on Monday only). It was really messy I have to say. It was done the last minute after my Head went to see the CEO and asked him to approve our trips only we could go for our trip. But I have to say I am excited yet weary at the same time too. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Hard Rock Cafe

As our Head was around town, we had to have team dinner and we had it in Hard Rock Cafe. But I have to admit, my experience that day wasn't that good. The waiters + waitress there were really rude and since my team there is 10 of us, and when 6 of us were there, they didn't even let us in. They told us to wait outside. When my next friend came which put us to 7 of us, they told us this "how many times do I need to repeat myself". I guess it shows that they only try to be nice to the visitors and not us locals. Anyway food there nothing to shout about either and the price was madness. I believe the dinner that night was quite expensive too. I believe it could have reach RM1K. But due to rude staff, I guess I will not go back there again as it is really not worth the $

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Sunglobal Battery

I would like to recommend to everyone a new hand phone battery that will give you extra life. It is called Sunglobal. If your hand phone battery is going down, try this battery and trust me, it last longer if compared to stock batteries. I actually bought this battery for my BB as my stock battery for my BB only has 1270mah while my Sunglobal has 1800mah.

Anyway side track abit, if your battery is any other battery and not BB stock battery, and u plug into my bb, my BB will not even start up as there is a need to copy the security code to the new battery before the new battery can be used on my phone. How secured is that man? Battery only you all might say, but yeah its good stuff. Anyway just want to show u the picture of the item that copies the battery security code

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Big Boss Is Here

Well my big boss who is currently based in India is in Malaysia for a team visit before she goes to China. I am wondering will I be going to China with her? Rumors has it that it will happen this time when she is here. Well lets just wait and see if I am really going to China.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Happy Holiday AGAIN




Monday, February 06, 2012

Happy Holiday




Sunday, February 05, 2012


One of the days when my dad was out and when he came back he brought this home with him just for me. Well I have to say it taste really nice. It is really worth eating :)

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Some Food Pictures During CNY

Hi Guys,

Well during CNY ( I know this posting is late), my family did cook and did invite some people to come and eat. Well some of the pictures as below.

Chicken Rice

Friday, February 03, 2012


The other day when I was walking out of the LRT, there is this person who suddenly push me and when I look behind, I saw this short person and also kinda bulky. So I guess I know when the person is shorter (not laughing at shorter people) they will have to use their strength to show that they are not easily been push around.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Super Sien

Everyday I go to office, I really wonder what I should be doing as there is nothing to do everyday. Sometimes I wish my MC is unlimited and when I am bored, tired and etc I can just take MC. Work is nothing to shout about as we keep on monitoring (like operations work) systems, replying emails and etc. There is really no room for improvement over here. Sad but true story. Even my friends sometimes ask me if I am doing something they are not knowing. But there is nothing to do so there is nothing there is not knowing in my own team.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Mango Pulut Rice

One of the days my mum went to Krabi and my mum's friend bought this for me and I have to admit it really taste good. I really thank God that it didn't rosak when they were flying back. I wish there was 2 packets of this as it was so nice, I manage to eat it so fast.